Spanish Vocabulary Test – The physical description

Spanish Vocabulary Test – The physical description

Free online Spanish exercise – Physical description; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Find the translations of the following words:

1. appearance → 

2. ugliness → 

3. chubby → 

4. repulsive → 

5. hairy → 

6. skinny → 

7. silhouette → 

8. thin → 

9. obese → 

10. bloated → 

1. appearance → la apariencia
2. ugliness → la fealdad
3. chubby → gordito
4. repulsive → repelente
5. hairy → peludo
6. skinny → flacucho
7. silhouette → la silueta
8. thin → delgada
9. obese → la obesidad
10. bloated → hinchado


➥ Next exercise: Situating in space, directions

