Author: noobvoyage

Spanish quotes about love

Spanish Quotes About Love: Passion and Wisdom in Words

Spanish, known as the language of love and passion, has given us countless romantic, heartfelt quotes. These expressions beautifully encapsulate different facets of love, from the joy of first romance to the profound depths of lifelong commitment. Here are ten inspiring Spanish quotes about love that can resonate with anyone, whether you’re a Spanish speaker, learner, or simply a lover of love.

  1. “El amor es la única cosa que crece cuando se reparte.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Literal translation: Love is the only thing that grows when it is shared. Interpretation: The more love you give away, the more it multiplies.

  1. “El amor no se mira, se siente, y aún más cuando ella está junto a ti.” – Pablo Neruda

Literal translation: Love is not seen, it is felt, and even more so when she is beside you. Interpretation: Love is an emotion that is deeply felt, especially when you’re with the one you love.

  1. “En el corazón de todos los inviernos vive una primavera palpitante, y detrás de cada noche, viene una aurora sonriente.” – Khalil Gibran

Literal translation: In the heart of all winters lives a throbbing spring, and behind every night comes a smiling dawn. Interpretation: No matter how difficult things may be, love can always bring hope and renewal.

  1. “El verdadero amor cambia con el tiempo y crece y descubre nuevas maneras de expresarse.” – Paulo Coelho

Literal translation: True love changes with time and grows and discovers new ways of expressing itself. Interpretation: Love evolves over time, finding new ways to reveal itself.

  1. “El amor, para que sea auténtico, debe costarnos.” – Mother Teresa

Literal translation: For love to be authentic, it must cost us. Interpretation: Real love requires effort, sacrifice, and sometimes even pain.

  1. “Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde. Te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo.” – Pablo Neruda

Literal translation: I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride. Interpretation: Love is a direct, profound emotion that transcends time, place, and circumstance.

  1. “El amor verdadero hace milagros, porque él mismo es ya el mayor milagro.” – Amado Nervo

Literal translation: True love performs miracles, for it is already the greatest miracle. Interpretation: Love is the most magical force in the world, capable of transforming lives.

  1. “El amor es un arte que nunca se aprende y siempre se sabe.” – Benito Pérez Galdós

Literal translation: Love is an art that is never learned and always known. Interpretation: Love comes instinctively; it’s an innate emotion that doesn’t need to be learned.

  1. “El amor se compone de una sola alma que habita en dos cuerpos.” – Aristotle

Literal translation: Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Interpretation: Love is a connection so deep that it’s as if two people share one soul.

  1. “Amarse a uno mismo es el comienzo de un romance para toda la vida.” – Oscar Wilde

Literal translation: Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. Interpretation: Self-love is crucial and should be the foundation of any kind of love we experience in life.

These quotes provide profound insights into the multi-faceted nature of love. They remind us of love’s power to transform, to comfort, to challenge, and to make us feel alive. Whether you are in a relationship, searching for love, or simply contemplating its meaning, these quotes offer a rich tapestry of thoughts to consider.

Moreover, these Spanish quotes about love not only provide a deeper understanding of this universal emotion but also offer a cultural perspective that’s grounded in a rich linguistic tradition. As you continue to learn and explore Spanish, these quotes can serve as beautiful examples of the language’s rhythm, eloquence, and expressiveness.

So whether you’re a Spanish speaker, a student of the language, or just someone seeking inspiration, these quotes about love offer timeless wisdom. As they say in Spanish, “El amor es el único tesoro que no se saca con pico y pala” — Love is the only treasure that can’t be dug up with a pick and shovel. Enjoy these quotes and let them inspire you in your journey through love. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

Spanish quotes about life

A Journey through Life: Inspirational Spanish Quotes about Life

Spanish, being the second most spoken language in the world, is rich in proverbs, idioms, and quotes that reflect its cultures’ views on life. This blog post will delve into some of the most inspirational and thought-provoking Spanish quotes about life.

  1. “Cada cabeza es un mundo.”

Literal translation: Every head is a world. Interpretation: Everyone has their unique way of thinking and perceiving the world.

  1. “No hay mal que por bien no venga.”

Literal translation: There is no bad from which good does not come. Interpretation: Every cloud has a silver lining, or in every bad situation, there is an element of good.

  1. “Lo que bien se aprende, nunca se pierde.”

Literal translation: What is well learned is never lost. Interpretation: Knowledge and skills that are truly mastered can never be taken away.

  1. “El tiempo todo lo cura.”

Literal translation: Time cures all. Interpretation: With time, pain and difficulties lessen.

  1. “Donde hay amor, hay vida.”

Literal translation: Where there is love, there is life. Interpretation: Love is a fundamental part of life, bringing joy and purpose.

  1. “Cambia tus hojas, pero nunca pierdas tus raíces.”

Literal translation: Change your leaves, but never lose your roots. Interpretation: Even as you change and grow, remember where you came from and who you are.

  1. “Más vale tarde que nunca.”

Literal translation: Better late than never. Interpretation: It’s better to do something late than to not do it at all.

  1. “La vida es como la bicicleta, hay que pedalear hacia adelante para no perder el equilibrio.”

Literal translation: Life is like a bicycle, you have to pedal forward to not lose balance. Interpretation: To maintain balance in life, one must keep moving forward.

  1. “El que no arriesga, no gana.”

Literal translation: He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t win. Interpretation: In order to achieve, one must be willing to take risks.

  1. “La vida es corta. Sonríe mientras aún tengas dientes.”

Literal translation: Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. Interpretation: Enjoy life while you can, make the most of every moment.

Spanish quotes about life offer a glimpse into the wisdom, humor, and warmth that is characteristic of Spanish-speaking cultures. They provide a lens through which to view life’s joys and challenges. These quotes can serve as inspiration, motivation, or simply as a reminder to enjoy the journey of life. As you learn Spanish, integrating these quotes into your vocabulary can also give your language skills an authentic touch. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

Spanish phrases to know: Giving Instructions

Spanish phrases to know: Giving Instructions

– Spanish sentences with English translation –

Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases to learn for conversation, with their English translations.

They will be useful to know if you need to give instructions.

Do you notice any errors or duplicate sentences? Leave a comment!

Asking for Instructions Pedir instrucciones
Can you show me how to…? ¿Puede enseñarme cómo…?
Do you know how to…? ¿Sabe usted cómo…?
How do I go about it? ¿Cómo lo hago?
How do I…? ¿Cómo puedo…?
How do you do this? ¿Cómo se hace esto?
How do you suggest I proceed? ¿Cómo sugiere que proceda?
What do you suggest? ¿Qué me sugiere?
What is the best way to … ? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de … ?
What is the first step? ¿Cuál es el primer paso?
Giving Instructions Dar instrucciones
Sequencing Secuenciación
Firstly, En primer lugar,
Secondly, En segundo lugar,
Then, Luego,
Next, Después,
Lastly, Por último,
Finally, Por último,
Starting out Empezando
Before you begin, you should … Antes de empezar, deberías …
The first thing you do is … Lo primero que debes hacer es …
I would start by … Yo empezaría por …
The best place to begin is … El mejor lugar para empezar es …
Continuing Continuando
After that, Después de eso,
The next step is to… El siguiente paso es …
Once you’ve done that, then… Una vez que hayas hecho eso, entonces…
When you finish that, then… Cuando termines eso, entonces…
To begin with, Para empezar,
The next thing you do is… Lo siguiente que haces es…
Finishing Terminar
The last step is … El último paso es…
The last thing you do is … Lo último que haces es …
In the end, Al final
When you’ve finished, Cuando hayas terminado,
When you’ve completed all the steps, Cuando hayas completado todos los pasos,
Giving extra help Dando una ayuda extra
Remember: Recuerda:
Always … Siempre…
Be careful not to … Ten cuidado de no …
Be sure to … Asegúrate de …
It helps to … Ayuda a …
It’s important to … Es importante …
Never Nunca
Try not to … Trate de no …
Try to … Tratar de …
You need to … Es necesario …

👉 Next lesson: Spanish subjunctive phrases

👉 Previous lesson: Checking for understanding


Spanish phrases to know: Checking for understanding

Spanish phrases to know: Checking for understanding

– Spanish sentences with English translation –

Here’s a list of spanish phrases to check for understanding, showing understanding, express lack of nderstanding and clarifying one’s point or idea.

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Any questions? ¿Alguna pregunta?
Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying. Ah, ya veo. Gracias por la aclaración.
Are there any more questions? ¿Hay más preguntas?
Are we all on the same page? ¿Estamos todos en la misma página?
Are you following me? ¿Me estás siguiendo?
Are you with me (so far)? ¿Estás conmigo (hasta ahora)?
Can I just check what I got from that? ¿Puedo comprobar lo que he entendido?
Can I rephrase what you said? ¿Puedo reformular lo que ha dicho?
Can you give me an example? ¿Puede darme un ejemplo?
Could you be more specific? ¿Podría ser más específico?
Could you elaborate on that? ¿Podría ampliar la información?
Could you repeat …? ¿Podría repetir…?
Could you repeat that? ¿Podría repetirlo?
Could you rephrase that? ¿Podría repetirlo?
Could you say that again? ¿Podría repetirlo?
Do you know what I mean? ¿Sabe lo que quiero decir?
Do you know what I’m saying? ¿Sabe lo que estoy diciendo?
Do you understand? ¿Lo ha entendido?
Have I made everything clear? ¿He dejado todo claro?
Have you got it? ¿Lo ha entendido?
I appreciate the clarification. Glad we agree on that. Agradezco la aclaración. Me alegro de que estemos de acuerdo.
I don’t feel clear about the main issue here. No tengo claro el tema principal aquí.
I don’t get it. No lo entiendo.
I don’t quite follow you. No te sigo del todo.
I don’t think I quite understand what you meant. Creo que no entiendo bien lo que quieres decir.
I get it. Lo entiendo.
I see. Ya veo.
I think I may have misunderstood you. Creo que te he entendido mal.
I think you are saying… Creo que estás diciendo…
I understand. Lo entiendo.
I’m not quite sure I understand what you are saying. No estoy muy seguro de entender lo que está diciendo.
I’d just like to confirm that I got that right. Me gustaría confirmar que lo he entendido bien.
I’m afraid I don’t understand. Me temo que no entiendo.
I’m not following you. No te estoy siguiendo.
I’m not sure I get what you mean. No estoy seguro de entender lo que quiere decir.
I’m sorry. I don’t understand. Lo siento. No lo entiendo.
If I’m hearing you correctly … Si te estoy oyendo bien…
If you don’t mind, I’d like to go over this again. Si no le importa, me gustaría repasar esto de nuevo.
In other words… En otras palabras…
Let me see if I understood correctly. Déjeme ver si entendí bien.
Let’s go through that again. Vamos a repasar eso de nuevo.
My impression of what you said was… Mi impresión de lo que dijo fue…
Now I understand. Thanks a lot. Ahora lo entiendo. Muchas gracias.
So what you are saying is… Does that sound right? Así que lo que estás diciendo es… ¿Suena bien?
So, you mean / think / believe that … Entonces, usted quiere decir / piensa / cree que …
Thank you for repeating that. It makes more sense to me. Gracias por repetirlo. Tiene más sentido para mí.
Thanks for clarifying. I understand better now. Gracias por la aclaración. Ahora lo entiendo mejor.
Thanks for explaining your point of view again.  Gracias por explicar de nuevo tu punto de vista. 
What do you mean? ¿Qué quieres decir?
What was that again? ¿Qué fue eso otra vez?
When you said …….. what did you mean? Cuando has dicho …….. ¿a qué te referías?
Would you mind repeating that for me again? ¿Te importaría repetirlo de nuevo?
You mean that we should … Quiere decir que deberíamos…
What I think you’re saying is … Lo que creo que estás diciendo es…

👉 Previous lesson: Insults and swear words

👉 Next lesson: Giving Instructions


Useful Spanish Phrases – Talking about Life Events

Talking about Life Events

– Spanish phrases with English translation –

Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases to learn for conversation, with their English translations.

Do you notice any errors or duplicate sentences? Leave a comment!

After I graduate, I will travel the world for one year. Después de graduarme, viajaré por el mundo durante un año.
After three years, I finally got a promotion at work. Después de tres años, por fin conseguí un ascenso en el trabajo.
Did Miguel grow up here? ¿Miguel creció aquí?
Did you get invited to her wedding? ¿Te han invitado a su boda?
He is passing his exam next month. El mes que viene aprobará el examen.
His grandfather passed away five years ago. Su abuelo falleció hace cinco años.
I broke up with my girlfriend. He roto con mi novia.
I got married in August last year. Me casé en agosto del año pasado.
I got my first job when I was 18. Conseguí mi primer trabajo a los 18 años.
I graduated from high school there. Me gradué en el instituto allí.
I moved to Spain when I was a teenager. Me mudé a España cuando era adolescente.
I need to get a job after I finish school. Necesito conseguir un trabajo cuando termine los estudios.
I worked for this company for six years. He trabajado en esta empresa durante seis años.
I would buy a house if I had more money. Me compraría una casa si tuviera más dinero.
I’ll move at the end of this month. Me mudaré a finales de este mes.
My grandfather retired when he was 60. Mi abuelo se jubiló a los 60 años.
My parents don’t work anymore, they are retired. Mis padres ya no trabajan, están jubilados.
She divorced him two years ago. Ella se divorció hace dos años.
She got pregnant. Se quedó embarazada.
The birth of a child is a major event. El nacimiento de un hijo es un acontecimiento importante.
The funeral will be held this Sunday. El funeral se celebrará este domingo.
They got married in September. Se casaron en septiembre.
They met in college. Se conocieron en la universidad.
They spend a lot of time together. Pasan mucho tiempo juntos.
They want to have children. Quieren tener hijos.
We decided to buy a house together. Decidimos comprar una casa juntos.
We moved to Sevilla when I was ten years old. Nos mudamos a Sevilla cuando yo tenía diez años.
Were you born and raised here? ¿Naciste y te criaste aquí?
What a beautiful engagement ring! ¡Qué hermoso anillo de compromiso!
What day is your wedding anniversary? ¿Qué día es su aniversario de boda?
When did his grandfather pass away? ¿Cuándo falleció su abuelo?
When did they get married? ¿Cuándo se casaron?
When did you move to Madrid? ¿Cuándo se mudaron a Madrid?
When is your birthday? ¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños?
When was your daughter born? ¿Cuándo nació su hija?
When will she graduate? ¿Cuándo se graduará?
Where did Adelina go to school? ¿A qué colegio fue Adelina?
Which university did Pablo go to? ¿A qué universidad fue Pablo?

👉 Next lesson: Facial expressions

👉 Previous lesson: The job interview: questions and answers


Spanish useful sentences: Travelling by boat

Spanish useful sentences: Travelling by boat

Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases to learn for conversation, with their English translations.

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Where is the dock? ¿Dónde está el muelle?
At what time do we dock? ¿A qué hora atracamos?
At what time do we have to be back on board? ¿A qué hora debemos volver a bordo?
cabin para un camarote
Can you give me something for sea sickness? ¿Puede usted darme algo contra el mareo?
first-class de primera clase
How long does the crossing take? ¿Cuánto dura la travesía?
I don’t feel well. No me siento bien.
I’d like a ____ ticket. Quisiera un pasaje ____.
Please vacate your cabins Por favor, desalojen sus camarotes.
The sea’s quite calm El mar está bastante tranquilo
The sea’s very rough El mar está muy agitado
tourist class de clase turista
We will be arriving in port in approximately 30 minutes’ time Llegaremos a puerto en aproximadamente 30 minutos.
When does the next boat leave for ____? ¿Cuándo sale el próximo barco para ____?
Where’s cabin number 56? ¿Dónde está el camarote número 56?

👉 Next lesson: At the Bank

👉 Previous lesson: Travelling by car


Common Spanish acronyms and abbreviations

Spanish Acronyms and Abbreviations List

F. Abbreviations
A s in many other languages, there are a a lot of abbreviations in written Spanish, which are often similar or identical to those used in other languages, but in other cases are quite different. Below is a fairly ample sampling of the most commonly used abbreviations in Spanish.
— Antes de Cristo
Before Christ
— Asociación Civil
Civil Association; used after the name of a non-profit, tax exempt, service organization, usually charitable)
— a cuenta
on account (an advance payment or down payment).
— Afectísimo
most affectionately (seldom used now to sign off letters)
— Atentamente
attentively (very much used to sign off letters)
— atento
with full attention
— centímetro cúbico
cubic centimeter
— compañía
— centilitro
— centímetro
— columna
D.; Dn.
— Don
respectful way of addressing a gentleman
— Dios mediante
God willing (“I will be there in April, God willing”).
Da., Dña.
— Doña
respectful way of addressing a lady.
— Doctor
— este
— edición
— etcétera
et cetera
Excmo. (a)
— Excelentísimo (a)
Most excellent (to address a bishop, embassador, etc.)
F.C.; FF.CC.
— ferrocarril(es)
— Fray
Brother; used before the name of clergy in religious orders
— gramo (s)
— General
(Army) General
ib.; ibid.
— ibidem
in the same place
— izquierda
— kilogramo
— kilómetro
— Licenciado
Persons with a bachelor’s degree or lawyer are licenciados , and use the title before their names.
— metro
— Moneda nacional
Mexican pesos, as opposed to foreign currency
— miligramo
— milímetro
— Monseñor
— Maestro
used before the name of school teachers and orchestra conductors
N.; Nte.
— norte
— noreste
— noroeste
— Nuestro Señor
Our Lord
— número
— número
— Oeste
P.; pág.
— página
— páginas
— postdata
(the equivalent of PS in English, which is also used in Spanish on occasions)
— por ejemplo
for example
— por poder
used only when signing for someone else
— post scriptum (Latin)
Post script
— presbítero
used before the name of a Roman Catholic priest
— pasado
— profesor
— prólogo o prolongación
prologue or prolongation
— que en paz descanse
rest in peace
— Requiescat in pace (latin)
rest in peace
— Reverendo
— Sociedad Anónima
the equivalent of Ltd. or Inc.
S.A. de C.V.
— Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable
same as S.A., except that additional capital contributions can be made during the lifetime of the company
— Sociedad Civil
used after the name of a professional service organization or partnership
— Su excelencia
His (Her, Your) Excellency
— Su Majestad
His (Her, Your) Majesty
— Sudoeste
— Su Santidad
Your Holiness; used preceding the Pope’s name
— seguro servidor
your certain servant
sig. (s).
— siguiente (s)
— Santísimo
Sr. (a)
— Señor (a)
— Señorita
Sto. (a).
— Santo (a)
su afmo. y s.s.
— su afectísimo y seguro servidor
your devoted and unfailing servant
T.; t.
— tomo
Ud. (s)
— usted/es
— verbigracia
for example, such as
— viuda
— Visto Bueno
approval or authorization; used just before a signature okaying something
Vol. (s)
— volumen (volúmenes)
The abbreviation for Estados Unidos (United States) is E.E.U.U. or just E.U. The abbreviations of the Mexican states might also prove useful, as they are seldom familiar to English speakers.

Spanish Subjunctive Phrases

Spanish subjunctive phrases

– Spanish sentences with English translation –

Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases to learn for conversation, with their English translations.

Do you notice any errors or duplicate sentences? Leave a comment!

Where do you want me to go? ¿A dónde quieres que vaya?
Where do you want us to eat? ¿Dónde quieres que merendemos?
Where do you want me to put this? ¿Dónde quieres que ponga esto?
Do you want me to take in this dog? ¿Quieres que acoja a este perro?
You want us to have lunch at this restaurant? ¿Quieres que almorcemos en este restaurante?
Do you want us to go for a walk? ¿Quieres que demos un paseo?
Do you want them to win the election? ¿Quieres que ganen las elecciones?
Do you want to speak Spanish? ¿Quieres que hablemos en español?
Do you want me to sit next to you? ¿Quieres que me siente a tu lado?
Do you want me to meet you today? ¿Quieres que nos veamos hoy?
Do you want me to cook dinner? ¿Quieres que prepare la cena?
Do you want me to help you? ¿Quieres que te ayude?
Do you want me to work tomorrow? ¿Quieres que trabaje mañana?
Do you want to live together? ¿Quieres que vivamos juntos?
Do you want to walk for a while? ¿Te apetece que andemos un rato?
Would you like to dance tonight? ¿Te apetece que bailemos esta noche?
Would you like to have toast for breakfast? ¿Te apetece que desayunemos tostadas?
We appreciate you doing such a good job. Agradecemos que hagas ese buen trabajo.
We appreciate you saving their lives. Agradecemos que les salvaras la vida.
I appreciate you admitting me to the company. Agradezco que me admitáis en la empresa.
I appreciate you being able to do these tasks. Agradezco que puedas hacer estas tareas.
We are looking for someone who can solve these problems. Buscamos a alguien que pueda resolver estas problemas.
We trust that everyone can participate. Confiamos en que todos puedan participar.
I trust that everything will go well. Confío en que todo salga bien.
I want you to sign that contract. Deseo que firmen ese contrato.
I wish you to try Mexican food. Deseo que pruebes la comida mexicana.
I wish you to get very good grades. Deseo que saques muy buenas notas.
I wish that you get married soon. Deseo que te cases rápido.
I wish you to have a house of your own. Deseo que tengas una casa propia.
I doubt that Emilia is guilty. Dudo mucho que Emilia sea culpable.
I doubt they can come. Dudo que puedan venir.
They were hoping you would be happy with the news. Ellos esperaban que te alegraras con la noticia.
I understand that you don’t want to listen to me. Entiendo que no quieras escucharme.
It’s good that you exercise in the morning. Es bueno que hagas ejercicio en la mañana.
It’s incomprehensible that they would turn down the offer. Es incomprensible que rechacen la oferta.
It is unlikely that he will accept so easily. Es poco probable que él acepte tan fácilmente.
You are likely to enjoy that movie. Es probable que disfrutes esa película
He is likely to lie. Es probable que él mienta.
It is likely that this will be useful to us. Es probable que esto nos sea útil.
He’s likely to start exercising tomorrow. Es probable que mañana comience a hacer ejercicio.
It’s weird that they have closed so early today. Es raro que hayan cerrado tan temprano hoy.
We hope this mailing finds you well. Esperamos que este correo lo encuentre bien.
We hope you have a pleasant stay. Esperamos que tengan una agradable estadía.
I hope you learn the Spanish language. Espero que aprendas la lengua española.
Hope you sing as well as ever. Espero que cantes tan bien como siempre.
I hope you study a lot more. Espero que estudies mucho más.
I hope you fixed it. Espero que lo haya arreglado.
I hope you don’t wake up the neighbors. Espero que no despiertes a los vecinos.
I hope you don’t hurt their feelings. Espero que no hieras sus sentimientos.
I hope you don’t wet the tablecloth. Espero que no mojes el mantel.
I hope you don’t get drunk tonight. Espero que no te emborraches esta noche.
I hope we understand each other at the meeting. Espero que nos entendamos en la reunión.
I hope you watch how he works. Espero que observes cómo trabaja.
I hope you can overcome your differences. Espero que puedan superar sus diferencias.
I hope you can finish on time. Espero que puedan terminar a tiempo.
I hope you shoot the movie in Spain. Espero que rueden la película en España.
I hope you tell him. Espero que se lo diga.
I hope you know we did everything we could. Espero que sepas que hicimos todo lo posible.
I hope you like this gift. Espero que te guste este regalo.
I hope you read the book. Espero que te hayas leído el libro.
I demand that you give me the money back. Exijo que me devuelvan el dinero.
I insist that you come with us. Insisto en que vengas con nosotros.
I insist that you come with us. Insisto que vengas con nosotros.
I am sorry that your mom is so sick. Lamento que tu madre esté tan enferma.
I am glad that you are here. Me alegra que estés aquí.
I am happy that your husband feels better. Me alegro de que tu esposo se sienta mejor.
I love the fact that you want to sing today. Me encanta que quieras cantar hoy.
It makes me mad that you don’t do your homework. Me enoja que no hagas tus tareas.
I would like you to pay attention to me. Me gustaría que me presten atención.
I would like you to be more committed to the work. Me gustaría que te comprometas más con el trabajo.
I would have liked you to come with me. Me hubiera gustado que me acompañaras.
He ignored me all day as if he couldn’t. Me ignoró todo el día como si no pudiera.
He looked at me like I was a monster. Me miró como si yo fuera un monstruo.
They asked me to explain this unit. Me pidieron que les explique esta unidad.
They asked me not to ask questions. Me pidieron que no hagamos preguntas.
I am surprised that you are here. Me sorprende que estés aquí.
I need you to be on time. Necesito que llegues a tiempo.
Don’t open the window, it’s too cold. No abras la ventana, hace mucho frío.
We don’t accept that they close the club. No aceptamos que cierren el club.
I don’t think she understands me. No creo que ella me entienda.
I don’t think they are fighting. No creo que ellos estén peleando.
I don’t think I’ll talk to her until tomorrow. No creo que hable con ella hasta mañana.
I don’t think they did it with bad intentions. No creo que lo hayan hecho con mala intención.
I don’t think they will charge me for this service. No creo que me cobren por este servicio.
I don’t think I can get over it. No creo que pueda superarlo.
I don’t think it’s the best solution. No creo que sea la mejor solución.
Don’t cross the yellow line. No cruces la línea amarilla.
I do not want the discussion to turn on that topic. No deseo que la discusión gire sobre ese tema.
It is not acceptable for you to insult the president. No es aceptable que usted insulte al presidente.
I did not expect them to make up their minds so easily. No esperaba que se decidieran tan fácilmente.
Don’t yell about anything. No grites por cualquier cosa.
It doesn’t matter that we didn’t go on the trip. No importa que no hayamos ido al viaje.
I didn’t like it at all that they didn’t come on time. No me gustó nada que no hayan llegado a tiempo.
I don’t care what they propose to me. No me interesa lo que me propongan.
It doesn’t seem to me that Pablo is sick. No me parece que Pablo esté enfermo.
He didn’t ask us to bring all the ingredients. No nos pidió que trajéramos todos los ingredientes.
It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain. No parece que vaya a llover.
I can’t believe you don’t believe me at this point. No puedo creer que no me creas a esta altura.
I don’t want you looking for me anymore. No quiero me busques más.
I don’t want you to attack those people. No quiero que ataques a esas personas.
I don’t want you to owe anyone money. No quiero que debas dinero a nadie.
I don’t want you coming into the house with dirty shoes. No quiero que entres en casa con los zapatos sucios.
I don’t want you to make up another excuse. No quiero que inventéis otra excusa.
I don’t want you to leave now. No quiero que se marchen ahora.
I don’t want you to keep crying. No quiero que sigas llorando.
I don’t want you to ask for that. No quiero que solicites eso.
I can’t stand you yelling at me like that. No soporto que me grites así.
You wouldn’t have bothered. No te hubieras molestado.
Don’t touch the artwork. No toquen las obras de arte.
Don’t go so fast. No vayas tan deprisa.
We’re glad you’re coming. Nos alegramos de que asistáis.
I hope he records an album with the Rolling Stones. Ojalá  grabe un disco con los Rolling Stones.
Hopefully the prices will drop soon. Ojalá bajen los precios pronto.
Hopefully they find their way here. Ojalá encuentren el camino hacia acá.
Hopefully we win the championship. Ojalá ganemos el campeonato.
I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Ojalá hayas disfrutado las vacaciones.
I hope you didn’t get cold. Ojalá no hayan pasado frío.
Hopefully we can get into the party. Ojalá podamos entrar a la fiesta.
Hopefully you create your own company. Ojalá que crees tu propia empresa.
Hopefully there will be more rain. Ojalá que haya más lluvias.
Hopefully they pay me today. Ojalá que me paguen hoy.
Hopefully my mom gets home late today. Ojalá que mi mama llegue tarde hoy.
Hopefully you’ll buy that house Ojalá que te compres esa casa
Hopefully everything goes well. Ojalá que todo salga bien.
Hopefully there will be many signed up tomorrow. Ojalá sean muchos los anotados mañana.
I wish I knew the answer. Ojalá supiera la respuesta.
I wish you were informed by the press. Ojalá te informases por la prensa.
I prefer that you stay with me. Prefiero que te quedes conmigo.
We want children to learn math. Queremos que los niños aprendan matemáticas.
We want you to join our work team. Queremos que te sumes a nuestro equipo de trabajo.
We want everyone to compete on a level playing field. Queremos que todos compitan en las mismas condiciones.
Those who violate the safety of the materials will be disqualified immediately. Quienes atenten contra la seguridad de los materiales, serán descalificados inmediatamente.
He wants you to deliver this package. Quiere que le entregues este paquete.
I want you to celebrate all your successes. Quiero que celebres todos tus éxitos.
I want you to listen to this. Quiero que escuches esto.
I want that movie to be released. Quiero que estrenen esa película.
I want you to clean the bathroom. Quiero que limpies el baño.
I want my groceries delivered to my house. Quiero que me envíen la compra a casa.
I want you to call me in the afternoon. Quiero que me llames por la tarde.
I want you to tidy your room. Quiero que ordenes tu habitación.
I want you to practice Spanish every day. Quiero que practiques español todos los días.
Maybe he will bring his brothers. Quizás él traiga a sus hermanos.
Maybe he left it in the car. Quizás lo haya dejado en el coche.
Maybe we’ll get a better result this time. Quizás logremos un mejor resultado esta vez.
Maybe it will rain tomorrow. Quizás mañana llueva.
Maybe it’s not a good idea. Quizás no sea una buena idea.
They’re probably behind schedule because of traffic. Seguro estén atrasados por el tránsito.
If I ran that marathon, I’d win it. Si corriera esa maratón, la ganaría.
If I slept more hours, I wouldn’t be so tired. Si durmiera más horas, no estaría tan cansado.
If he found another job, he’d have more income. Si encontrara otro trabajo, tendría más ingresos.
If these walls could talk… Si estas paredes hablaran…
If I’d had breakfast now, I wouldn’t be so tired. Si hubiera desayunado ahora no estaría tan cansado.
If they had warned that they were coming, someone would have waited for them. Si hubieran avisado que venían, alguien los habría esperado.
If you had come, you would understand what I am saying. Si hubieras venido, entenderías lo que te digo.
If we got a better taste, we’d win back customers. Si lográsemos un mejor sabor recuperaríamos clientes.
If I woke up early, I’d see you at the train station. Si me levantara pronto, te vería en la estación del tren.
If I died, you’d be the only heir. Si me muriera, serías el único heredero.
If I denied the facts, I’d be a hypocrite. Si negara los hechos, sería un hipócrita.
If I didn’t have to drive, I’d drink a beer. Si no tuviera que conducir, me bebería una cerveza.
If we communicated by radio, we’d be in touch. Si nos comunicáramos por radio, estaríamos en contacto.
If I got out early, we’d meet for lunch. Si saliera pronto, quedaríamos para comer.
If I had money now, I’d be traveling the world. Si tuviera dinero ahora, estaría de viaje por el mundo.
If I had more free time, I’d go to the movies. Si tuviera más tiempo libre, me iría al cine.
If the train came now, I’d get to Madrid sooner. Si viniera ahora el tren, llegaría antes a Madrid.
I am sorry that you have to go through this. Siento que tengas que pasar por esto.
I advise you to go to bed earlier. Te aconsejo que duermas más temprano.
We thank you for cooking for us. Te agradecemos que cocines para nosotros.
We appreciate you joining us. Te agradecemos que te unas a nosotros.
We would appreciate it if you would turn down the radio. Te agradecería que bajaras el volumen de la radio.
We would appreciate it if you would write us an email. Te agradeceríamos que nos escribieras un correo electrónico.
I thank you for giving me this book. Te agradezco que me regales este libro.
I ask you to please calm down. Te pido por favor que te calmes.
I’ll give you anything you want. Te regalo lo que quieras.
I suggest you eat less bread. Te sugiero que comas menos pan.

👉 Next lesson: What are you doing?

👉 Previous lesson: Spanish quotes about love
