Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Diseases and disabilities

Spanish Words for Beginners : Diseases and disabilities

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about diseases and disabilities. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

chronic crónico
contagious contagioso
dangerous peligroso
fatal mortal
hereditary hereditario
painful doloroso
severe grave
temporary temporal
the allergy la alergia
the blindness la ceguera
the cancer el cáncer
the cold el resfriado
the deafness la sordera
the disability la discapacidad
the disease la enfermedad
the flu la gripe
the fracture la fractura
the heart attack el infarto / el ataque cardíaco
the infection la infección
the migraine la migraña
the paralysis la parálisis
the pneumonia la neumonía
the sunstroke la insolación
the tumor el tumor
the virus el virus
to be disabled estar discapacitado
to cure curar
to feel sick sentirse enfermo
to have pain tener dolor
to improve mejorar
to infect infectar
to recover recuperarse
to treat tratar
to worsen empeorar
