Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Marketing and advertising

Spanish Words for Beginners : Marketing and advertising

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Hereā€™s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about marketing and advertising. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the advertising la publicidad
the ad campaign la campaƱa publicitaria
the advertisement el anuncio
the advertising agency la agencia de publicidad
the advertising strategy la estrategia publicitaria
the billboard la valla publicitaria
the brand la marca
the brand identity la identidad de marca
the campaign la campaƱa
the commercial el comercial
the content el contenido
the customer feedback la retroalimentaciĆ³n del cliente
the digital marketing el marketing digital
the graphic design el diseƱo grƔfico
the influencer el influencer / la influencer
the market research la investigaciĆ³n de mercado
the market segment el segmento de mercado
the marketing el marketing
the marketing mix la mezcla de marketing
the marketing plan el plan de marketing
the product placement la colocaciĆ³n de productos
the promotion la promociĆ³n
the promotional material el material promocional
the public relations las relaciones pĆŗblicas
the sales las ventas
the slogan el eslogan
the social media las redes sociales
the strategy la estrategia
the target audience el pĆŗblico objetivo
the target market el mercado objetivo
to advertise anunciar
to advertise publicitar
to analyze analizar
to brand marcar
to campaign hacer campaƱa
to create crear
to design diseƱar
to develop desarrollar
to endorse respaldar
to engage involucrar
to influence influir
to launch lanzar
to market comercializar
to measure medir
to negotiate negociar
to optimize optimizar
to promote promocionar
to reach alcanzar
to strategize estrategiar
to target dirigir
