Spanish Olympic Games Vocabulary List

Spanish Words for Beginners : Olympic Games

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about the Olympic Games. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful Spanish words list!

the athlete el/la atleta
the basketball el baloncesto
the boxing el boxeo
the bronze medal la medalla de bronce
the closing ceremony la ceremonia de clausura
the competition la competencia
the doping test la prueba de dopaje
the equestrian el ecuestre
the fencing la esgrima
the football (soccer) el fĂştbol
the gold medal la medalla de oro
the gymnastics la gimnasia
the high jump el salto de altura
the host city la ciudad anfitriona
the hurdles las vallas
the javelin throw el lanzamiento de jabalina
the long jump el salto de longitud
the marathon el maratĂłn
the medal la medalla
the olympic flame la llama olĂ­mpica
the olympic games los juegos olĂ­mpicos
the olympic records los récords olímpicos
the olympic village la villa olĂ­mpica
the opening ceremony la ceremonia de apertura
the paralympic games los juegos paralĂ­mpicos
the relay race la carrera de relevos
the rowing el remo
the sailing la vela
the silver medal la medalla de plata
the spectators los espectadores
the sports event el evento deportivo
the swimming la nataciĂłn
the team sports los deportes de equipo
the tennis el tenis
the torch la antorcha
the track and field el atletismo
the volleyball el voleibol
the weightlifting la halterofilia
the world records los récords mundiales
the wrestling la lucha
to break (a record) romper (un récord)
to compete competir
to jump saltar
to lose perder
to participate participar
to qualify clasificar
to run correr
to swim nadar
to train entrenar
to win ganar
