Classroom objects in Spanish (Vocabulary list)

Spanish Words for Beginners : Classroom objects

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Welcome to our guide on classroom objects vocabulary in Spanish! Knowing the names of everyday items in the classroom is essential for students and teachers alike. This vocabulary will enhance your communication skills and create a more immersive learning experience. Let’s dive in and enrich your Spanish vocabulary!

the backpack la mochila
the binder la carpeta
the blackboard la pizarra
the book el libro
the bulletin board el tablĂłn de anuncios
the calculator la calculadora
the chair la silla
the chair mat la alfombra de silla
the chalk la tiza
the clip el clip
the clock el reloj
the desk el escritorio
the desk lamp la lámpara de escritorio
the eraser la goma de borrar
the folder el folder
the glue el pegamento
the glue el pegamento
the highlighter el resaltador
the map el mapa
the marker el marcador
the notebook el cuaderno
the paper el papel
the pen el bolĂ­grafo
the pencil el lápiz
the projector el proyector
the ruler la regla
the scissors las tijeras
the stapler la grapadora
the textbook el libro de texto
the thumbtack el chinche
the worksheet la hoja de trabajo
to answer responder
to ask preguntar
to collaborate colaborar
to demonstrate demostrar
to discuss discutir
to evaluate evaluar
to explain explicar
to learn aprender
to listen escuchar
to motivate motivar
to organize organizar
to participate participar
to practice practicar
to prepare preparar
to present presentar
to read leer
to show mostrar
to summarize resumir
to teach enseñar
to write escribir
