Spanish Weapons Vocabulary

Weapons vocabulary in Spanish

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about weapons. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

advanced avanzado
automatic automático
dangerous peligroso
explosive explosivo
lethal letal
non-lethal no letal
portable portátil
powerful poderoso
semi-automatic semiautomático
tactical táctico
the armor la armadura
the axe el hacha
the baton la porra
the bayonet la bayoneta
the bow el arco
the bullet la bala
the bulletproof vest el chaleco antibalas
the cannon el cañón
the club el garrote
the combat axe el hacha de combate
the combat knife el cuchillo de combate
the crossbow la ballesta
the dart la dardo
the firearm el arma de fuego
the flamethrower el lanzallamas
the flare gun la pistola de bengalas
the grenade la granada
the grenade launcher el lanzagranadas
the gun la pistola
the hand grenade la granada de mano
the handcuffs las esposas
the knife el cuchillo
the lockpick la ganzúa
the machete el machete
the mine la mina
the missile el misil
the rifle el rifle
the rubber bullet la bala de goma
the shield el escudo
the slingshot la honda
the spear la lanza
the suppressor el silenciador
the sword la espada
the swordfish la espada de pescado
the taser el taser
the taser gun la pistola de electrochoque
the throwing star la estrella ninja
the tranquilizer el tranquilizante
the water gun la pistola de agua
the weapon el arma
to aim apuntar
to attack atacar
to conceal ocultar
to defend defender
to detonate detonar
to fire disparar
to load cargar
to shoot disparar
to throw lanzar
to wield empuñar
