Spanish Vocabulary Exercise – Beginner Level | Fruits and vegetables
Free online Spanish vocabulary exercise – Fruits and vegetables; Answers are at the bottom of the page.
Complete the following words with the missing syllable:
sa | dÃa | buesa | uela | que | món | cate | tón | zana | ña
1. an apricot → un albarico
2. a pineapple → una pi
3. an avocado → un agua
4. a lemon → un li
5. a strawberry → una fre
6. a raspberry → una fram
7. a watermelon → una san
8. a peach → un meloco
9. an apple → una man
10. a plum → una cir
1. an apricot → un albaricoque 2. a pineapple → una piña 3. an avocado → un aguacate 4. a lemon → un limón 5. a strawberry → una fresa 6. a raspberry → una frambuesa 7. a watermelon → una sandÃa 8. a peach → un melocotón 9. an apple → una manzana 10. a plum → una ciruela
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises by Topics | Myths, legends and heroes
Free online Spanish vocabulary exercise – Myths, legends and heroes; Answers are at the bottom of the page.
Reconstitute the words with the correct syllable:
no | gro | da | lloso | co | to | gÃa | ria | rÃa | tÃa
1. wonderful → maravi
2. heroic → heroi
3. glory → la glo
4. bravery → la valen
5. fate → el desti
6. danger → el peli
7. wisdom → la sabidu
8. a labyrinth → un laberin
9. mythology → la mitolo
10. a legend → una leyen
1. wonderful → maravilloso 2. heroic → heroico 3. glory → la gloria 4. bravery → la valentÃa 5. fate → el destino 6. danger → el peligro 7. wisdom → la sabidurÃa 8. a labyrinth → un laberinto 9. mythology → la mitologÃa 10. a legend → una leyenda
9. a nurse → un infermero  un enfermero  un enfirmero
10. a mayor → un mayor  un alcalde  un mayoro
1. an architect → un arquitecto 2. a lawyer → un abogado 3. a butcher → un carnicero 4. a surgeon → un cirujano 5. a hairdresser → un peluquero 6. a cook → un cocinero 7. a writer → un escritor 8. an electrician → un electricista 9. a nurse → un enfermero 10. a mayor → un alcalde
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises by Topics | Days, Months, Seasons
Free vocabulary exercise in Spanish – Days and months; the answers are at the end of the page.
Each word is missing a letter; complete it:
1. January → Enro
2. February → Febrro
3. March → Maro
4. April → Abrl
5. May → Mao
6. June→ Juno
7. July → Juio
8. August → Agsto
9. September → Septembre
10. October → Octbre
11. November → Novembre
12. December → Dciembre
1. January → Enero 2. February → Febrero 3. March → Marzo 4. April → Abril 5. May → Mayo 6. June → Junio 7. July → Julio 8. August → Agosto 9. September → Septiembre 10. October → Octubre 11. November → Noviembre 12. December → Diciembre
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