Category: Spanish Vocabulary

Spanish for Dentists: Useful Vocabulary & Dental Terminology 🦷

Spanish dental terminology 🦷

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about the dentist office. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

At the dentist’s office
anesthesia la anestesia
appointment la cita
dental chair la silla dental
dental insurance el seguro dental
dentist el odontólogo
diagnosis el diagnóstico
form el formulario
hygiene la higiene
id card la tarjeta de identificación
medical history la historia clínica
office el consultorio
patient el paciente
payment el pago
prescription la prescripción
receptionist la recepcionista
specialist el especialista
treatment el tratamiento
waiting area la espera
waiting room la sala de espera
x-ray la radiografía
Parts of the tooth
apex el apex
base la base
body el cuerpo
cavity la caries
color el color
crown la corona
dentin la dentina
enamel el esmalte
fissure la fisura
groove el surco
gums la gingiva
ivory el marfil
periodontal ligament el ligamento periodontal
pulp la pulpa
ring el anillo
root la raíz
root canal el conducto radicular
sensitivity la sensibilidad
structure la estructura
tooth body el cuerpo del diente
Parts of the mouth
arches las arcadas
cheeks las mejillas
duct el conducto
frenulum el frenillo
lips los labios
mandible la mandíbula
maxilla el maxilar
mouth la boca
mucosa la mucosa
oral cavity la cavidad oral
palate el paladar
papillae las papilas
roof of the mouth el cielo de la boca
saliva la saliva
sphincter el esfínter
taste el gusto
tongue la lengua
tonsils las tonsilas
uvula la úvula
vestibule el vestíbulo
Dental problems
abscess el absceso
bad breath la halitosis
broken tooth el diente roto
cavities las caries
crowding el apiñamiento
cyst el quiste
deciduous tooth el diente de leche
erosion la erosión
fracture la fractura
gingivitis la gingivitis
hypersensitivity la hipersensibilidad
impacted tooth el diente impactado
infection la infección
inflammation la inflamación
malocclusion la maloclusión
periodontitis la periodontitis
sensitivity la sensibilidad
tartar el sarro
trauma el traumatismo
wear el desgaste
Dental procedures
adjustment el ajuste
analysis el análisis
cleaning la limpieza
consultation la consulta
crowns las coronas
extraction la extracción
filling el empaste
frenectomy la frenectomía
implant el implante
orthodontics la ortodoncia
prosthesis la prótesis
radiograph la radiografía
rehabilitation la rehabilitación
restoration la restauración
root canal treatment el tratamiento de conducto
scaling el raspado
sealant el sellante
surgery la cirugía
suture la sutura
whitening el blanqueamiento
Instruments and materials
adhesive tape la cinta adhesiva
anesthetic el anestésico
cement el cemento
composite el compuesto
container el contenedor
cotton el algodón
dental floss el hilo dental
drill el taladro
explorer el explorador
forceps las pinzas
gauze la gasa
hemostatic forceps las pinzas de hemostasia
mirror el espejo
plate la placa
probe la sonda
scalpel el bisturí
spoon la cuchara
suction el aspirador
syringe la jeringa
tube el tubo
General dental terms
addiction la adicción
aesthetics la estética
care el cuidado
caries las caries
check-up la revisión
complication la complicación
consent el consentimiento
consultation la consulta
dentistry la odontología
diagnosis el diagnóstico
education la educación
follow-up el seguimiento
medical history la historia clínica
oral health la salud bucal
prevention la prevención
prophylaxis la profilaxis
rehabilitation la rehabilitación
safety la seguridad
technique la técnica
treatment el tratamiento
Useful verbs
to adjust ajustar
to advise asesorar
to analyze analizar
to anesthetize anestesiar
to calibrate calibrar
to clean limpiar
to diagnose diagnosticar
to disinfect desinfectar
to examine examinar
to extract extraer
to fill rellenar
to instruct instruir
to monitor controlar
to operate operar
to perform realizar
to place colocar
to prescribe prescribir
to review revisar
to suture suturizar
to treat tratar


Numbers from 1 through 100 in Spanish

Numbers from 1 to 100 in Spanish

– Los números del 1 al 100 en español –

Understanding numbers is essential for everyday conversations in Spanish. Below is a list of numbers from 0 to 100, along with their Spanish translations.

Spanish Numbers 0-100

Number Spanish
0 cero
1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte
21 veintiuno
22 veintidós
23 veintitrés
24 veinticuatro
25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis
27 veintisiete
28 veintiocho
29 veintinueve
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno
32 treinta y dos
33 treinta y tres
34 treinta y cuatro
35 treinta y cinco
36 treinta y seis
37 treinta y siete
38 treinta y ocho
39 treinta y nueve
40 cuarenta
41 cuarenta y uno
42 cuarenta y dos
43 cuarenta y tres
44 cuarenta y cuatro
45 cuarenta y cinco
46 cuarenta y seis
47 cuarenta y siete
48 cuarenta y ocho
49 cuarenta y nueve
50 cincuenta
51 cincuenta y uno
52 cincuenta y dos
53 cincuenta y tres
54 cincuenta y cuatro
55 cincuenta y cinco
56 cincuenta y seis
57 cincuenta y siete
58 cincuenta y ocho
59 cincuenta y nueve
60 sesenta
61 sesenta y uno
62 sesenta y dos
63 sesenta y tres
64 sesenta y cuatro
65 sesenta y cinco
66 sesenta y seis
67 sesenta y siete
68 sesenta y ocho
69 sesenta y nueve
70 setenta
71 setenta y uno
72 setenta y dos
73 setenta y tres
74 setenta y cuatro
75 setenta y cinco
76 setenta y seis
77 setenta y siete
78 setenta y ocho
79 setenta y nueve
80 ochenta
81 ochenta y uno
82 ochenta y dos
83 ochenta y tres
84 ochenta y cuatro
85 ochenta y cinco
86 ochenta y seis
87 ochenta y siete
88 ochenta y ocho
89 ochenta y nueve
90 noventa
91 noventa y uno
92 noventa y dos
93 noventa y tres
94 noventa y cuatro
95 noventa y cinco
96 noventa y seis
97 noventa y siete
98 noventa y ocho
99 noventa y nueve
100 cien

Now you have a complete list of Spanish numbers from 0 to 100! Practice saying and writing these numbers to enhance your fluency in Spanish. Numbers are useful for counting, telling time, and shopping, making them essential for everyday conversations. Happy learning!

The 50 Most Common Spanish -IR Regular Verbs

 The 50 most used Spanish regular -ir verbs

– Complete vocabulary list –

Regular -ir verbs in Spanish follow a consistent pattern when conjugated. Here’s a list of some common regular -ir verbs, along with their English translations:

List of Basic Regular -IR Verbs

  1. Abrir > to open
  2. Asistir > to attend
  3. Decidir > to decide
  4. Existir > to exist
  5. Inscribir > to enroll
  6. Recibir > to receive
  7. Compartir > to share
  8. Sufrir > to suffer
  9. Vivir > to live
  10. Subir > to go up / to climb
  11. Permitir > to allow
  12. Aguantar > to endure
  13. Construir > to construct
  14. Describir > to describe
  15. Ocurrir > to occur
  16. Producir > to produce
  17. Repetir > to repeat
  18. Convertir > to convert
  19. Participar > to participate
  20. Advertir > to warn
  21. Cuidar > to take care of
  22. Establecer > to establish
  23. Entender > to understand
  24. Unir > to unite
  25. Competir > to compete
  26. Decidir > to decide
  27. Dividir > to divide
  28. Exhibir > to exhibit
  29. Fingir > to pretend
  30. Transmitir > to transmit
  31. Ajustar > to adjust
  32. Conducir > to drive
  33. Interrumpir > to interrupt
  34. Invadir > to invade
  35. Agregar > to add
  36. Concluir > to conclude
  37. Limitar > to limit
  38. Suministrar > to supply
  39. Acelerar > to accelerate
  40. Clarificar > to clarify
  41. Contribuir > to contribute
  42. Requerir > to require
  43. Reflejar > to reflect
  44. Admitir > to admit
  45. Reunir > to gather
  46. Destruir > to destroy
  47. Aprovechar > to take advantage of
  48. Obedecer > to obey
  49. Incluir > to include
  50. Sentir > to feel

These regular -ir verbs are fundamental for building your Spanish vocabulary and understanding basic conjugation patterns. Regular verbs follow predictable conjugation rules, making them easier to learn as you advance in your Spanish language studies!


The 50 Most Common Spanish -ER Regular Verbs

 The 50 most used Spanish regular -er verbs

– Complete vocabulary list –

Regular -er verbs in Spanish follow a consistent conjugation pattern. Here’s a list of some common regular -er verbs, along with their English translations:

List of Basic Regular -ER Verbs

  1. Aprender > to learn
  2. Beber > to drink
  3. Comer > to eat
  4. Correr > to run
  5. Leer > to read
  6. Vender > to sell
  7. Romper > to break
  8. Ver > to see
  9. Temer > to fear
  10. Responder > to respond
  11. Esconder > to hide
  12. Aprender > to learn
  13. Morder > to bite
  14. Cometer > to commit
  15. Ceder > to yield
  16. Ofrecer > to offer
  17. Tener > to have
  18. Nacer > to be born
  19. Crecer > to grow
  20. Proteger > to protect
  21. Reder > to melt
  22. Temer > to fear
  23. Coger > to catch
  24. Sustituir > to substitute
  25. Descender > to descend
  26. Descubrir > to discover
  27. Pretender > to intend
  28. Cometer > to commit
  29. Agradecer > to thank
  30. Conocer > to know (people)
  31. Padecer > to suffer
  32. Enfermar > to become ill
  33. Recomender > to recommend
  34. Depender > to depend
  35. Extender > to extend
  36. Conferir > to confer
  37. Cometer > to commit
  38. Fallar > to fail
  39. Proseguir > to proceed
  40. Suceder > to happen
  41. Recoger > to collect
  42. Vender > to sell
  43. Alquilar > to rent
  44. Corregir > to correct
  45. Atraer > to attract
  46. Obedecer > to obey
  47. Competer > to compete
  48. Imponer > to impose
  49. Agradecer > to appreciate
  50. Surgerir > to suggest

These regular -er verbs form the foundation for various essential actions and concepts in Spanish. Understanding their conjugation patterns will greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in the language!


The 50 Most Common Spanish -AR Regular Verbs

The 50 most used Spanish regular -ar verbs

– Complete vocabulary list –

In Spanish, regular verbs follow predictable patterns in their conjugations. The most common type of regular verb ends with -ar. This lesson will introduce you to some basic -ar verbs, their meanings, and how to conjugate them in the present tense.

50 Common Regular -AR Verbs

Here’s a list of 50 basic -ar verbs:

  1. Hablar > to talk/speak
  2. Estudiar > to study
  3. Trabajar > to work
  4. Mirar > to watch/look at
  5. Escuchar > to listen
  6. Viajar > to travel
  7. Cantar > to sing
  8. Bailar > to dance
  9. Jugar > to play
  10. Comprar > to buy
  11. Cocinar > to cook
  12. Limpiar > to clean
  13. Llamar > to call
  14. Practicar > to practice
  15. Ayudar > to help
  16. Entrar > to enter
  17. Esperar > to wait/hope
  18. Usar > to use
  19. Gustar > to like
  20. Contar > to count/tell
  21. Cenar > to have dinner
  22. Desayunar > to have breakfast
  23. Preguntar > to ask
  24. Contestar > to answer
  25. Besar > to kiss
  26. Saltar > to jump
  27. Nadar > to swim
  28. Terminar > to finish
  29. Cuidar > to take care of
  30. Bailar > to dance
  31. Descansar > to rest
  32. Entrar > to enter
  33. Establecer > to establish
  34. Invitar > to invite
  35. Probar > to try/test
  36. Sacar > to take out
  37. Tratar > to try/attempt
  38. Ajustar > to adjust
  39. Ganar > to win/earn
  40. Aceptar > to accept
  41. Aumentar > to increase
  42. Comparar > to compare
  43. Estudiar > to study
  44. Fumar > to smoke
  45. Mirar > to look at
  46. Reservar > to reserve
  47. Rentar > to rent
  48. Entrenar > to train
  49. Adivinar > to guess
  50. Conectar > to connect

Conjugation in Present Tense

To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the present tense, follow this pattern:

  1. Yo (I) > -o
  2. (You, informal) > -as
  3. Él/Ella/Usted (He/She/You, formal) > -a
  4. Nosotros/Nosotras (We) > -amos
  5. Vosotros/Vosotras (You all, informal in Spain) > -áis
  6. Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (They/You all, formal) > -an

Example Conjugation: Hablar

Subject Conjugation
Yo hablo
Él/Ella/Usted habla
Nosotros hablamos
Vosotros habláis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablan



Irregular verbs list in Spanish (verbos irregulares)

The most used irregular verbs in Spanish

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about the most common irregular verbs that you should learn. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful verbs list!

  1. Ser (to be)
  2. Estar (to be)
  3. Tener (to have)
  4. Ir (to go)
  5. Hacer (to do/make)
  6. Decir (to say/tell)
  7. Ver (to see)
  8. Volver (to return)
  9. Dar (to give)
  10. Saber (to know)
  11. Poder (to be able to/can)
  12. Querer (to want)
  13. Venir (to come)
  14. Salir (to leave/go out)
  15. Traer (to bring)
  16. Caer (to fall)
  17. Conducir (to drive)
  18. Traducir (to translate)
  19. Construir (to build)
  20. Producir (to produce)
  21. Sentir (to feel)
  22. Mentir (to lie)
  23. Preferir (to prefer)
  24. Seguir (to follow)
  25. Jugar (to play)
  26. Caber (to fit)
  27. Escoger (to choose)
  28. Oír (to hear)
  29. Leer (to read)
  30. Reír (to laugh)
  31. Ver (to see)
  32. Vivir (to live)
  33. Pedir (to ask for)
  34. Repetir (to repeat)
  35. Servir (to serve)
  36. Sugerir (to suggest)
  37. Construir (to build)
  38. Concluir (to conclude)
  39. Aguantar (to endure)
  40. Huir (to flee)
  41. Decidir (to decide)
  42. Atraer (to attract)
  43. Destruir (to destroy)
  44. Convertir (to convert)
  45. Establecer (to establish)
  46. Almorzar (to have lunch)
  47. Coger (to catch/take)
  48. Nacer (to be born)
  49. Permanecer (to remain)
  50. Sostener (to hold)


Spanish abbreviations you should know

Spanish abbreviations you should know

– Complete vocabulary list –

In Spanish, abbreviations are commonly used in both written and spoken language. They help to simplify communication and are especially prevalent in informal contexts. Here’s a lesson on 30 useful Spanish abbreviations along with their meanings.


  1. Sr. > Señor (Mr.)
  2. Sra. > Señora (Mrs.)
  3. Srta. > Señorita (Miss)
  4. Dr. > Doctor (Dr.)
  5. Dra. > Doctora (Dr. – female)
  6. Prof. > Profesor (Professor)
  7. Profa. > Profesora (Professor – female)
  8. Pág. > Página (Page)
  9. Cia. > Compañía (Company)
  10. S.A. > Sociedad Anónima (Public Limited Company)
  11. etc. > Etcétera (Etcetera)
  12. p.ej. > Por ejemplo (For example)
  13. c/ o. > Calle o (Street or)
  14. > Número (Number)
  15. A.C. > Antes de Cristo (Before Christ)
  16. d.C. > Después de Cristo (Anno Domini)
  17. T.V. > Televisión (Television)
  18. C.V. > Curriculum Vitae (Resume)
  19. C.D. > Compact Disc (CD)
  20. R.S.V.P. > Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (Please respond)
  21. D.I.Y. > Do It Yourself (DIY)
  22. M. > Masculino (Masculine)
  23. F. > Femenino (Feminine)
  24. C.T. > Centro de Tratamiento (Treatment Center)
  25. M.M. > Mínimo Mensual (Minimum Monthly)
  26. S.O.S. > Save Our Souls (SOS)
  27. G.C. > Gobierno Central (Central Government)
  28. T.M. > Término Medio (Average Term)
  29. P.O. > Punto de Origen (Point of Origin)
  30. T.A. > Tarjeta de Abono (Subscription Card)
  31. U.T. > Unidad de Tiempo (Unit of Time)
  32. R.N. > Registro Nacional (National Registry)
  33. D.F. > Distrito Federal (Federal District)
  34. A.A. > Alcoholicos Anónimos (Alcoholics Anonymous)
  35. B.P. > Baja Presión (Low Blood Pressure)
  36. H.C. > Historia Clínica (Medical History)
  37. O.P. > Orden del Día (Order of the Day)
  38. C.F. > Centro Financiero (Financial Center)
  39. D.C. > Distrito Capital (Capital District)
  40. P.A. > Poder Adquisitivo (Purchasing Power)

Understanding these abbreviations can greatly enhance your comprehension of Spanish texts and improve your communication skills. Practice using them in sentences to become more familiar with their meanings and contexts!


Spanish Abbreviations for Texting 💬 | Free Spanish Lesson

Spanish abbreviations for texting 💬

In the fast-paced world of digital communication, abbreviations have become essential for quick and effective texting. Just like in English, Spanish speakers often use shorthand to convey messages more efficiently. Whether you’re chatting with friends, sending a quick note, or trying to keep up with the latest slang, knowing these abbreviations can help you communicate more fluidly and sound more natural. In this lesson, we’ll explore some of the most common Spanish abbreviations used in texting, ensuring you’re well-equipped to join the conversation!

Here’s a list of useful Spanish abbreviations commonly used in texting:

Common Spanish Texting Abbreviations

  1. xq > porque (because)
  2. dnd > dónde (where)
  3. k > que (that)
  4. mñn > mañana (tomorrow)
  5. tqm > te quiero mucho (I love you a lot)
  6. q > que (that)
  7. bss > besos (kisses)
  8. tq > te quiero (I love you)
  9. xfa > por favor (please)
  10. xd > una risa (laughing emoji)
  11. ahh > ah (expresses surprise or realization)
  12. pls > por favor (please)
  13. wuu2 > ¿qué haces? (what are you doing?)
  14. gpi > gracias por invitar (thanks for inviting)
  15. np > no hay problema (no problem)
  16. b4 > antes (before)
  17. lol > riendo a carcajadas (laughing out loud)
  18. jaja > laughing (similar to “haha”)
  19. pdt > para tu información (for your information)
  20. fyi > para tu información (for your information)
  21. qtl > ¿qué tal? (how are you?)
  22. cdo > cuando (when)
  23. hoy > hoy (today)
  24. dsp > después (later)
  25. tb > también (also)
  26. bff > mejor amigo (best friend)
  27. kpd > que pasa (what’s up?)
  28. qsy > que sí (that’s right)
  29. ggr > gracias (thanks)
  30. cv > ¿cómo va? (how’s it going?)
  31. tmb > también (also)
  32. nv > nada (nothing)
  33. cr > como (as/like)
  34. salu2 > saludos (greetings)
  35. xfa > por favor (please)
  36. qk > qué (what)
  37. ftw > para siempre (for the win)
  38. kmo > como (how)
  39. hace > hace (it’s been)
  40. cm > como (how)

These abbreviations can help streamline your texting in Spanish and make communication more efficient. Encourage learners to use them to familiarize themselves with conversational Spanish!

50 Spanish false cognates you should know

 50 Spanish false cognates you should know

– Complete vocabulary list –

False cognates are words that look similar in Spanish and English but have different meanings. Understanding these false friends is essential for English speakers learning Spanish to avoid misunderstandings. Here’s a list of 50 common false cognates, along with their meanings.

  • Actual > (not “actual” in English) > current
  • Actualidad > (not “actuality” in English) > current events
  • Apreciar > (not “to appreciate” in English) > to value
  • Asistir > (not “assist” in English) > to attend
  • Assistir > (not “to assist” in English) > to attend
  • Copa > (not “copper” in English) > cup
  • Cirugía > (not “surgery” in English) > surgery (correct meaning)
  • Cualidad > (not “quality” in English) > characteristic
  • Comprender > (not “to comprehend” in English) > to understand
  • Constipado > (not “constipated” in English) > having a cold
  • Contestar > (not “to contest” in English) > to answer
  • Decepción > (not “deception” in English) > disappointment
  • Demandar > (not “to demand” in English) > to sue
  • Embarazada > (not “embarrassed” in English) > pregnant
  • Épico > (not “epic” in English) > epic (correct meaning)
  • Época > (not “epic” in English) > period
  • Éxito > (not “exit” in English) > success
  • Fábrica > (not “fabric” in English) > factory
  • Ficción > (not “fiction” in English) > fiction (correct meaning)
  • Fácil > (not “facile” in English) > easy
  • Feliz > (not “feline” in English) > happy
  • Gratuidad > (not “gratuity” in English) > free of charge
  • Gimnasio > (not “gymnasium” in English) > gym
  • Introducir > (not “to introduce” in English) > to insert
  • Laboratorio > (not “laboratory” in English) > laboratory (correct meaning)
  • Largo > (not “large” in English) > long
  • Librería > (not “library” in English) > bookstore
  • Molestar > (not “to molest” in English) > to bother
  • Oficina > (not “office” in English) > office (correct meaning)
  • Pretender > (not “to pretend” in English) > to intend
  • Raza > (not “race” in English) > breed
  • Rato > (not “rat” in English) > while
  • Realizar > (not “to realize” in English) > to carry out
  • Ropa > (not “rope” in English) > clothes
  • Sensible > (not “sensible” in English) > sensitive
  • Sincero > (not “sincere” in English) > sincere (correct meaning)
  • Sopa > (not “soap” in English) > soup
  • Suceso > (not “success” in English) > event
  • Suicidio > (not “suicide” in English) > suicide (correct meaning)
  • Surtir > (not “to sort” in English) > to supply
  • Vasar > (not “vase” in English) > basket
  • Asistir > (not “assist” in English) > to attend
  • Constipado > (not “constipated” in English) > having a cold
  • Éxito > (not “exit” in English) > success
  • Sensible > (not “sensible” in English) > sensitive
  • Raza > (not “race” in English) > breed
  • Rato > (not “rat” in English) > while
  • Suceso > (not “success” in English) > event
  • Fábrica > (not “fabric” in English) > factory
  • Surtir > (not “to sort” in English) > to supply

Understanding false cognates is essential for mastering Spanish. By familiarizing yourself with these words, you can enhance your vocabulary and improve your communication skills. Keep practicing, and you’ll be on your way to becoming fluent in Spanish!


Spanish Vocabulary: Soccer / Football World Cup

Soccer / Football World Cup vocabulary in Spanish

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about soccer / football World Cup. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

competitive competitivo
dramatic dramático
exciting emocionante
historic histórico
international internacional
memorable memorables
passionate apasionado
popular popular
skillful hábil
victorious victorioso
the assist la asistencia
the broadcast la transmisión
the celebration la celebración
the championship el campeonato
the coach el entrenador
the corner kick el tiro de esquina
the crowd la multitud
the defense la defensa
the fan el aficionado
the fan zone la zona de aficionados
the field el campo
the final la final
the formation la formación
the forward el delantero
the goal el gol
the goalkeeper el portero
the halftime el medio tiempo
the highlight el punto culminante
the match el partido
the midfielder el centrocampista
the penalty el penal
the play la jugada
the player el jugador / la jugadora
the quarterfinals los cuartos de final
the red card la tarjeta roja
the referee el árbitro
the referee’s decision la decisión del árbitro
the score el marcador
the semifinals las semifinales
the stadium el estadio
the strategy la estrategia
the substitution la sustitución
the team el equipo
the tournament el torneo
the trophy el trofeo
the uniform el uniforme
the venue el lugar
the whistle el silbato
the world cup la copa del mundo
the yellow card la tarjeta amarilla
to celebrate celebrar
to cheer animar
to defend defender
to kick patear
to lose perder
to pass pasar
to play jugar
to score anotar
to tackle tacleando
to win ganar
