Category: Spanish Vocabulary

Spanish Christmas Words List

Spanish Words for Beginners : Christmas

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about Christmas. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful Spanish words list!

christmas la navidad
the advent calendar el calendario de adviento
the angel el ángel
the bells las campanas
the candy los dulces
the candy cane el bastón de caramelo
the carol el villancico
the chimney la chimenea
the christmas cards las tarjetas de navidad
the christmas day el día de navidad
the christmas dinner la cena de navidad
the christmas eve la nochebuena
the christmas market el mercado navideño
the christmas tree el árbol de navidad
the decorations las decoraciones
the elves los elfos
the family reunion la reunión familiar
the fireplace la chimenea
the gifts exchange el intercambio de regalos
the gingerbread el pan de jengibre
the holiday cheer la alegría navideña
the holiday season la temporada navideña
the holly el acebo
the joy la felicidad
the lights las luces
the mistletoe el muérdago
the nativity scene el belén
the new year’s eve la nochevieja
the north pole el polo norte
the ornaments los adornos
the presents los regalos
the reindeer el reno
the santa claus el papá noel
the sleigh el trineo
the snowflake el copo de nieve
the snowman el muñeco de nieve
the star la estrella
the stocking la media de navidad
the turkey el pavo
the wreath la corona de navidad
to celebrate celebrar
to decorate decorar
to gather reunirse
to give (gifts) dar (regalos)
to light (candles) encender (velas)
to receive (gifts) recibir (regalos)
to share compartir
to sing (carols) cantar (villancicos)
to wish desear
to wrap (presents) envolver (regalos)


Spanish Olympic Games Vocabulary List

Spanish Words for Beginners : Olympic Games

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about the Olympic Games. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful Spanish words list!

the athlete el/la atleta
the basketball el baloncesto
the boxing el boxeo
the bronze medal la medalla de bronce
the closing ceremony la ceremonia de clausura
the competition la competencia
the doping test la prueba de dopaje
the equestrian el ecuestre
the fencing la esgrima
the football (soccer) el fútbol
the gold medal la medalla de oro
the gymnastics la gimnasia
the high jump el salto de altura
the host city la ciudad anfitriona
the hurdles las vallas
the javelin throw el lanzamiento de jabalina
the long jump el salto de longitud
the marathon el maratón
the medal la medalla
the olympic flame la llama olímpica
the olympic games los juegos olímpicos
the olympic records los récords olímpicos
the olympic village la villa olímpica
the opening ceremony la ceremonia de apertura
the paralympic games los juegos paralímpicos
the relay race la carrera de relevos
the rowing el remo
the sailing la vela
the silver medal la medalla de plata
the spectators los espectadores
the sports event el evento deportivo
the swimming la natación
the team sports los deportes de equipo
the tennis el tenis
the torch la antorcha
the track and field el atletismo
the volleyball el voleibol
the weightlifting la halterofilia
the world records los récords mundiales
the wrestling la lucha
to break (a record) romper (un récord)
to compete competir
to jump saltar
to lose perder
to participate participar
to qualify clasificar
to run correr
to swim nadar
to train entrenar
to win ganar


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | 100 communication verbs

Spanish Words for Beginners : 100 communication verbs

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about 100 communication verbs. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

to address dirigirse
to advise aconsejar
to affirm afirmar
to alert alertar
to announce anunciar
to answer responder
to argue argumentar
to articulate explicar claramente
to assert afirmar
to brainstorm lluvia de ideas
to brief informar
to broadcast transmitir
to chat charlar
to clarify aclarar
to comment acomentar
to communicate comunicar
to consult consultar
to converse conversar
to convey transmitir
to criticize criticar
to debate debatir
to demonstrate demostrar
to describe describir
to disclose revelar
to discuss discutir
to educate educar
to elaborate ampliar
to emphasize enfatizar
to engage involucrar
to enlighten iluminar
to explain aclarar
to express expresar
to guide guiar
to highlight resaltar
to illustrate ilustrar
to imply implicar
to inform informar
to inquire inquirir
to instruct instruir
to interpret interpretar
to narrate narrar
to negotiate discuta
to notify notificar
to outline delimitar
to persuade persuadir
to present presentar
to pronounce pronunciar
to question interrogar
to reaffirm reafirmar
to reiterate reiterar
to relay transmitir
to remark hacer una observación
to report informar
to respond responder
to reveal revelar
to share compartir
to suggest sugerir
to summarize resumir
to talk hablar
to tell contar
to transmit transmitir
to unveil desvelar
to update actualizar
to utter pronunciar
to verbalize expresar
to voice expresar


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Energy and natural resources

Spanish Words for Beginners : Energy and natural resources

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about energy and natural resources. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the climate el clima
the coal el carbón
the conservation la conservación
the demand la demanda
the ecosystem el ecosistema
the efficiency la eficiencia
the emission la emisión
the energy la energía
the environment el medio ambiente
the extraction la extracción
the fossil fuels los combustibles fósiles
the gas el gas
the geothermal energy la energía geotérmica
the grid la red eléctrica
the hydroelectric power la energía hidroeléctrica
the nuclear energy la energía nuclear
the oil el petróleo
the pollution la contaminación
the power plant la central eléctrica
the renewable energy la energía renovable
the reservoir el embalse
the resource el recurso
the resource management la gestión de recursos
the solar panel el panel solar
the solar power la energía solar
the supply el suministro
the sustainability la sostenibilidad
the sustainability la sostenibilidad
the wind el viento
the wind turbine el aerogenerador
to balance equilibrar
to conserve conservar
to consume consumir
to deplete agotar
to develop desarrollar
to evaluate evaluar
to explore explorar
to extract extraer
to generate generar
to harness aprovechar
to invest invertir
to manage gestionar
to monitor monitorear
to produce producir
to protect proteger
to recycle reciclar
to reduce reducir
to sustain mantener
to use usar
to waste desperdiciar


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | At the restaurant (catering)

Spanish Words for Beginners : At the restaurant (catering)

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about restaurants and catering. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the appetizer el aperitivo
the bill la cuenta
the billfold el billetero
the bottle la botella
the chef el chef
the chef’s special el especial del chef
the condiments los condimentos
the dessert el postre
the dish el plato
the drink la bebida
the fork el tenedor
the glass el vaso
the knife el cuchillo
the main course el plato principal
the menu el menú
the napkin la servilleta
the order el pedido
the receipt el recibo
the reservation la reserva
the restaurant el restaurante
the side dish el acompañamiento
the special el plato del día
the spoon la cuchara
the table la mesa
the tip la propina
the tray la bandeja
the waiter / the waitress el camarero / la camarera
the waiter’s station el puesto del camarero
the wine list la carta de vinos
to adjust ajustar
to ask preguntar
to book hacer una reserva
to check revisar
to clear limpiar
to complain quejarse
to cook cocinar
to deliver entregar
to enjoy disfrutar
to order pedir
to pay pagar
to prepare preparar
to recommend recomendar
to refill reponer
to request solicitar
to reserve reservar
to serve servir
to taste probar


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | The hotel industry

Spanish Words for Beginners : The hotel industry

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about the hotel industry. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the amenities las comodidades
the banquet hall el salón de banquetes
the bellboy el botones
the booking la reserva
the cancellation la cancelación
the check-in el registro de entrada
the check-out el registro de salida
the concierge el conserje
the conference room la sala de conferencias
the elevator el ascensor
the front desk la recepción
the front desk clerk el recepcionista
the guest el huésped
the hotel el hotel
the hotel manager el gerente del hotel
the housekeeping la limpieza
the lobby el vestíbulo
the lobby bar el bar del vestíbulo
the minibar el minibar
the occupancy la ocupación
the rate la tarifa
the reception la recepción
the reservation la reserva
the resort el complejo turístico
the room la habitación
the room service el servicio a la habitación
the service el servicio
the shuttle el transporte
the suite la suite
the valet service el servicio de aparcacoches
to accommodate acomodar
to assist asistir
to book reservar
to cancel cancelar
to check in registrarse
to check out salir
to clean limpiar
to confirm confirmar
to experience experimentar
to handle manejar
to inquire preguntar
to manage gestionar
to offer ofrecer
to provide proporcionar
to request solicitar
to reserve reservar
to serve servir
to stay alojarse
to upgrade mejorar
to welcome dar la bienvenida


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Marketing and advertising

Spanish Words for Beginners : Marketing and advertising

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about marketing and advertising. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the advertising la publicidad
the ad campaign la campaña publicitaria
the advertisement el anuncio
the advertising agency la agencia de publicidad
the advertising strategy la estrategia publicitaria
the billboard la valla publicitaria
the brand la marca
the brand identity la identidad de marca
the campaign la campaña
the commercial el comercial
the content el contenido
the customer feedback la retroalimentación del cliente
the digital marketing el marketing digital
the graphic design el diseño gráfico
the influencer el influencer / la influencer
the market research la investigación de mercado
the market segment el segmento de mercado
the marketing el marketing
the marketing mix la mezcla de marketing
the marketing plan el plan de marketing
the product placement la colocación de productos
the promotion la promoción
the promotional material el material promocional
the public relations las relaciones públicas
the sales las ventas
the slogan el eslogan
the social media las redes sociales
the strategy la estrategia
the target audience el público objetivo
the target market el mercado objetivo
to advertise anunciar
to advertise publicitar
to analyze analizar
to brand marcar
to campaign hacer campaña
to create crear
to design diseñar
to develop desarrollar
to endorse respaldar
to engage involucrar
to influence influir
to launch lanzar
to market comercializar
to measure medir
to negotiate negociar
to optimize optimizar
to promote promocionar
to reach alcanzar
to strategize estrategiar
to target dirigir


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Industry

Spanish Words for Beginners : Industry

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about industry. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the assembly el ensamblaje
the assembly line la línea de montaje
the automation la automatización
the equipment el equipo
the factory la fábrica
the factory floor el suelo de la fábrica
the industrial revolution la revolución industrial
the industrial sector el sector industrial
the industry la industria
the innovation la innovación
the labor el trabajo
the labor force la fuerza laboral
the machinery la maquinaria
the manufacturing la manufactura
the output la producción
the plant la planta
the process el proceso
the product el producto
the product line la línea de productos
the production la producción
the production line la línea de producción
the quality control el control de calidad
the raw materials las materias primas
the sector el sector
the supply chain la cadena de suministro
the technical support el soporte técnico
the tool la herramienta
the worker el trabajador / la trabajadora
the workshop el taller
the workshop area el área de trabajo
to adjust ajustar
to assemble montar
to automate automatizar
to control controlar
to design diseñar
to develop desarrollar
to engineer diseñar
to fabricate fabricar
to improve mejorar
to innovate innovar
to inspect inspeccionar
to maintain mantener
to manufacture fabricar
to operate operar
to plan planificar
to process procesar
to produce producir
to repair reparar
to streamline optimizar
to test probar


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Agriculture

Spanish Words for Beginners : Agriculture

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about agriculture. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the agribusiness el agro-negocio
the agricultural sector el sector agrícola
the agriculture la agricultura
the agronomy la agronomía
the biodiversity la biodiversidad
the conservation la conservación
the crop el cultivo
the crop rotation la rotación de cultivos
the farm la granja
the farmer el agricultor / la agricultora
the farmer’s market el mercado agrícola
the fertilizer el fertilizante
the grain el grano
the greenhouse el invernadero
the harvest la cosecha
the irrigation el riego
the land la tierra
the livestock el ganado
the mechanization la mecanización
the orchard el huerto
the organic farming la agricultura orgánica
the pest control el control de plagas
the pesticide el pesticida
the planting season la temporada de siembra
the plow el arado
the poultry las aves de corral
the rural area el área rural
the seed la semilla
the soil el suelo / la tierra
the sustainability la sostenibilidad
the tractor el tractor
the vineyard el viñedo
the weather el clima
the yield el rendimiento
to breed criar
to cultivate cultivar
to feed alimentar
to fertilize fertilizar
to graze pastar
to grow crecer
to harvest cosechar
to irrigate regar
to plant plantar
to plow arar
to protect proteger
to prune podar
to rotate crops rotar cultivos
to sow sembrar
to weed desherbar
to yield rendir


Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Personality, Character and Behaviour

Spanish Words for Beginners : Personality, Character and Behaviour

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about personality, character and behaviour. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the ambition la ambición
the assertiveness la asertividad
the attitude la actitud
the behavior el comportamiento
the character el carácter
the confidence la confianza
the courage el coraje
the discipline la disciplina
the disposition la disposición
the empathy la empatía
the extroversion la extroversión
the friendliness la simpatía
the generosity la generosidad
the habit el hábito
the honesty la honestidad
the honesty la honestidad
the humility la humildad
the impulsivity la impulsividad
the integrity la integridad
the introversion la introversión
the kindness la amabilidad
the mood el estado de ánimo
the patience la paciencia
the personality la personalidad
the pride el orgullo
the responsibility la responsabilidad
the self-esteem la autoestima
the selfishness el egoísmo
the stubbornness la terquedad
the temperament el temperamento
the trait el rasgo
to act actuar
to adapt adaptarse
to apologize disculparse
to behave comportarse
to communicate comunicar
to control controlar
to empathize empatizar
to express expresar
to forgive perdonar
to improve mejorar
to influence influir
to inspire inspirar
to react reaccionar
to reflect reflexionar
to respect respetar
to support apoyar
to trust confiar
to understand entender
