Expressing agreement and disagreement in Spanish

👉 How to express agreement and disagreement in Spanish?


I. Grammatical structures

In Spanish, we can express our agreement or disagreement through multiple formulas:

*(NO) ESTAR CONFORME… ==> (Do not) Agree…

Estoy conforme con mi calificación ==> I agree with my grade.
No estas conforme con ese presupuesto ==> You don’t agree with this estimate.

*(NO) ESTAR DE ACUERDO CON… ==> (Do not) agree

La chica esta de acuerda con su papa ==> The daughter agrees with her father.
No están de acuerdos contigo ==> They don’t agree with you.

*(NO) COMPARTIR EL PUNTO DE VISTA/LA OPINION… ==> (Do not) share the view/opinion

Compartís el mismo punto de vista en esta polémica ==> You share the same point of view in this controversy.
No comparto tu opinión sobre la situación política del país ==> I don’t share your point of view on the political situation in the country.

*(NO) COINCIDIR SOBRE… ==> (Do not) agree with…

Coicides conmigo sobre esta cuestión ==> You agree with me on this.
No coincidimos sobre el horario de la cita ==> We disagree about the time of the meeting.

* (NO) DAR RAZON A… ==> (Do not) agree with…

Damos la razón al periodista que escribió ese artículo puesto que es experto en este tema ==> We agree with the journalist who wrote this article because he is an expert in the field.
No doy la razón a su argumento por que no es basado en hecho científicos ==> I don’t agree with his argument because it is not based on scientific facts.

* (NO) OPONERSE A… ==> (Do not) oppose…

Me opongo a la actitud agresiva de mi amiga ==> I object to my friend’s aggressive attitude.
No se opone a la injusticia de la situación ==> He does not object to the unfairness of the situation.

II. Expressing your opinion

The following structures and verbs are used to express an opinion, and thus, in a more relative way, agreement or disagreement.


WARNING: all these structures are followed by the subjunctive.


No me parece que el español sea más difícil que otra lengua ==> I don’t feel that Spanish is more complicated than any other language.

Tengo la impresión que este sacando conclusiones apresuradas ==> I feel like you are jumping to conclusions.

No pienso que compartamos las mismas ideas que ellos ==> I don’t think we share the same ideas as they do.

Creo que te equivoques en tu análisis ==> I think you are wrong in your analysis.

III. General vocabulary

Yo también ==> Me too
Vale ==> Agree / OK
! Por supuesto ! ==> Of course!
Sin (ninguna) duda ==> Without (any) doubt
Sin (ningún) problema ==> Without (any) problem
! Desde luego ! ==> Of course!
Claro ==> Of course
Seguro que si / cierto que si ==> Yes, certainly
Yo tampoco ==> Me neither
! Ni hablar ! ==> No way!
En cambio ==> On the other hand
Sin embargo ==> However
Al contrario
==> On the contrary

A pesar de todo ==> Despite everything
Es discutible ==> It is debatable
Pienso que te equivocas ==> I think you are wrong
Formular un juicio distinto ==> To formulate a different judgment
Es verdad que … ==> It is true that…

👉 Next lesson: Expressing obligation

👉 Previous lesson: Auxiliary verbs (Haber, Ser, Estar)

