Free Spanish Practice Online | Action and movement verbs

Free Spanish Practice Online | Action and movement verbs

Free online Spanish grammar exercise – Action and movement verbs; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Find the correct translation of the following verbs:

empujar | encogerse de hombros | agacharse | olfatear | tragar | acercarse | guiñar | bostezar | engordar | gritar

1. to swallow → 

2. to yawn → 

3. to shout → 

4. to wink → 

5. to gain weight → 

6. to shrug → 

7. to push → 

8. to crouch → 

9. to sniff → 

10. to approach → 


  1. to swallow → tragar
  2. to yawn → bostezar
  3. to shout → gritar
  4. to wink → guiñar
  5. to gain weight → engordar
  6. to shrug → encogerse de hombros
  7. to push → empujar
  8. to crouch → agacharse
  9. to sniff → olfatear
  10. to approach → acercarse


➥ Next exercise: Diphtongue verbs

