Spanish Grammar Exercises Online : Possessive adjectives

Spanish Grammar Exercises Online : Possessive adjectives

Free online Spanish exercise – Possessive adjectives; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. My father is an architect.

2. Your house is very nice.

3. This is not our car.

4. I’ll give you my address.

5. Our street is quiet.

6. The secretary is in her office.

7. Her parents are Brazilian.

8. Are these glasses yours, sir?

9. She put on her jacket and went out.

10. These gloves are mine and not yours.

11. Your daughter says her husband doesn’t like to travel.

12. He washed all his shirts.

1. Mi padre es arquitecto.
2. Tu casa es muy bonita.
3. Ese no es nuestro coche.
4. Voy a darte mi dirección.
5. Nuestra calle es tranquila.
6. La secretaria está en su oficina.
7. Sus padres son brasileños.
8. ¿Son sus gafas, señor?
9. Se puso la chaqueta y salió.
10. Estos guantes son míos y no tuyos.
11. Su hija dice que a su marido no le gusta viajar.
12. Lavó todas sus camisas.


💡 Problems of understanding? See the lesson on this subject: Possessive adjectives

➥ Next exercise: Qualifying adjectives


