Spanish Vocabulary Exercise – Intermediate Level | Clothing and accessories

Spanish Vocabulary Exercise – Intermediate Level | Clothing and accessories

Free online Spanish vocabulary exercise – clothes; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Reconstitute the words with the correct syllable:

da | do | nes | isa | tado | tes | ro | tal | tos | vés

1. a shirt →  una cam

2. upside down →  al re

3. tight → apre

4. gloves → guan

5. shoes →  los zapa

6. a hat  →  un sombre

7. an apron  →  un delan

8. a skirt →  una fal

9. the fabric →  el teji

10. the socks →  los calceti

1. a shirt → una camisa
2. upside down → al revés
3. tight → apretado
4. gloves → guantes
5. shoes → los zapatos
6. a hat → un sombrero
7. an apron → un delantal
8. a skirt → una falda
9. the fabric → el tejido
10. the socks → los calcetines


➥ Next exercise: Opposite words

