Spanish Vocabulary Exercise – Intermediate Level | The human body

Spanish Vocabulary Exercise – Intermediate Level | The human body

Free online Spanish vocabulary exercise – The human body; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Reconstitute the words with the correct syllable:

ra | gas | da | na | cón | bro | do | zo | ña | dos

1. the shoulder → el hom

2. the forearm → el antebra

3. the elbow → el co

4. the fingers → los de

5. a nail → una u

6. the back → la espal

7. the buttocks → las nal

8. the hip → la cade

9. a leg → una pier

10. the heel → el ta

1. the shoulder→ el hombro
2. the forearm → el antebrazo
3. the elbow → el codo
4. the fingers → los dedos
5. a nail → una uña
6. the back → la espalda
7. the buttocks → las nalgas
8. the hip → la cadera
9. a leg → una pierna
10. the heel → el tacón


➥ Next exercise: Shopping

