Spanish Vocabulary Exercises by Topics | Days, Months, Seasons

Spanish Vocabulary Exercises by Topics | Days, Months, Seasons

Free vocabulary exercise in Spanish – Days and months; the answers are at the end of the page.

Each word is missing a letter; complete it:

1. January → Enro

2. February → Febrro

3. March → Maro

4. April → Abrl

5. May → Mao

6. June→ Juno

7. July → Juio

8. August → Agsto

9. September → Septembre

10. October → Octbre

11. November → Novembre

12. December → Dciembre

1. January → Enero
2. February → Febrero
3. March → Marzo
4. April → Abril
5. May → Mayo
6. June → Junio
7. July → Julio
8. August → Agosto
9. September → Septiembre
10. October → Octubre
11. November → Noviembre
12. December → Diciembre


➥ Next exercise: Professions

