Spanish Vocabulary Exercises by Topics | The five senses

Spanish Vocabulary Exercises by Topics | The five senses

Free online Spanish vocabulary exercise – The five senses; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Reconstitute the words with the correct syllable:

rrar | pido | ro | ar | niano | toso | da | doso | dad | cio

1. color blind → dalto

2. darkness → la oscuri

3. the look → la mira

4. noisy → rui

5. silence → el silen

6. to whisper→ susu

7. rough → áspe

8. to scratch→ rasc

9. insipid → insí

10. stinky → apes

1. color blind → daltoniano
2. darkness → la oscuridad
3. the look → la mirada
4. noisy → ruidoso
5. silence → el silencio
6. to whisper → susurrar
7. rough → áspero
8. to scratch → rascar
9. insipid → insípido
10. stinky → apestoso


➥ Next exercise: Insects

