Spanish Words for Beginners : Agriculture
– Essential Vocabulary List –
Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about agriculture. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!
the agribusiness | el agro-negocio |
the agricultural sector | el sector agrÃcola |
the agriculture | la agricultura |
the agronomy | la agronomÃa |
the biodiversity | la biodiversidad |
the conservation | la conservación |
the crop | el cultivo |
the crop rotation | la rotación de cultivos |
the farm | la granja |
the farmer | el agricultor / la agricultora |
the farmer’s market | el mercado agrÃcola |
the fertilizer | el fertilizante |
the grain | el grano |
the greenhouse | el invernadero |
the harvest | la cosecha |
the irrigation | el riego |
the land | la tierra |
the livestock | el ganado |
the mechanization | la mecanización |
the orchard | el huerto |
the organic farming | la agricultura orgánica |
the pest control | el control de plagas |
the pesticide | el pesticida |
the planting season | la temporada de siembra |
the plow | el arado |
the poultry | las aves de corral |
the rural area | el área rural |
the seed | la semilla |
the soil | el suelo / la tierra |
the sustainability | la sostenibilidad |
the tractor | el tractor |
the vineyard | el viñedo |
the weather | el clima |
the yield | el rendimiento |
to breed | criar |
to cultivate | cultivar |
to feed | alimentar |
to fertilize | fertilizar |
to graze | pastar |
to grow | crecer |
to harvest | cosechar |
to irrigate | regar |
to plant | plantar |
to plow | arar |
to protect | proteger |
to prune | podar |
to rotate crops | rotar cultivos |
to sow | sembrar |
to weed | desherbar |
to yield | rendir |