Useful Spanish Vocabulary | At the restaurant (catering)

Spanish Words for Beginners : At the restaurant (catering)

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about restaurants and catering. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the appetizer el aperitivo
the bill la cuenta
the billfold el billetero
the bottle la botella
the chef el chef
the chef’s special el especial del chef
the condiments los condimentos
the dessert el postre
the dish el plato
the drink la bebida
the fork el tenedor
the glass el vaso
the knife el cuchillo
the main course el plato principal
the menu el menú
the napkin la servilleta
the order el pedido
the receipt el recibo
the reservation la reserva
the restaurant el restaurante
the side dish el acompañamiento
the special el plato del día
the spoon la cuchara
the table la mesa
the tip la propina
the tray la bandeja
the waiter / the waitress el camarero / la camarera
the waiter’s station el puesto del camarero
the wine list la carta de vinos
to adjust ajustar
to ask preguntar
to book hacer una reserva
to check revisar
to clear limpiar
to complain quejarse
to cook cocinar
to deliver entregar
to enjoy disfrutar
to order pedir
to pay pagar
to prepare preparar
to recommend recomendar
to refill reponer
to request solicitar
to reserve reservar
to serve servir
to taste probar
