Useful Spanish Vocabulary | Feelings and emotions

Spanish Words for Beginners : Feelings and emotions

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about feelings and emotions. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

the admiration la admiración
the affection el cariño
the anger la ira
the anxiety la ansiedad
the bitterness la amargura
the calm la calma
the compassion la compasión
the embarrassment la vergüenza
the empathy la empatía
the enthusiasm el entusiasmo
the excitement la emoción
the fear el miedo
the frustration la frustración
the frustration la frustración
the grief el duelo
the guilt la culpa
the happiness la felicidad
the hate el odio
the jealousy los celos
the joy la alegría
the love el amor
the nervousness los nervios
the passion la pasión
the pride el orgullo
the regret el arrepentimiento
the relief el alivio
the sadness la tristeza
the satisfaction la satisfacción
the surprise la sorpresa
the tenderness la ternura
to admire admirar
to apologize disculparse
to be surprised sorprenderse
to blush sonrojarse
to comfort consolar
to comfort reconfortar
to cry llorar
to envy envidiar
to express expresar
to fear temer
to feel sentir
to get angry enfadarse
to hate odiar
to laugh reír
to love amar
to relax relajarse
to smile sonreír
to sympathize simpatizar
to trust confiar
to worry preocuparse
