Spanish Adverbs of Place List (for Beginners)

👉 How and when to use Spanish adverbs of place?

– Spanish Grammar Basics for Beginners –


Adverbs of place give an indication of the place where the action takes place.

aquí / acá (here):
Aquí (acá), hay muchas tiendas de ropa. (Here, there are many clothing stores.)

Note: “acá” has the same meaning as “aquĂ­” but is used more in Latin America.

ahĂ­ (there):
AhĂ­ puedes ver el zoo. (There you can see the zoo.)

allí / allá (there):
Allí (allá) es la estación de autobuses. (Over there is the bus station.)

Note: “allá” has the same meaning as “allĂ­” but is used more in Latin America.

abajo (below / down):
SĂ­mbolo de la suerte, la herradura de caballo se coloca hacia abajo. (Symbol of good luck, the horseshoe is positioned downwards).

debajo (underneath):
El gato está debajo de la mesa (The cat is under (below) the table.)

encima (above):
La taza de cafe está encima de la mesa (The coffee cup is above (on) the table.)

arriba (up / up there):
La mira de arriba abajo. (He looks at it from above.)
Se esperan temperaturas por arriba de los 30 grados para este lunes. (Temperatures above 30 degrees are expected for this Monday.)
Más arriba en el cielo, se puede ver una estrella. (Higher in the sky, you can see a star.)

atrás (backwards):
No hay que mirar atrás en la vida. (You should not look back in life.)
No vamos a dar un paso atrás. (We are not going to go backwards.)
El ruido viene de atrás. (The noise comes from behind.)

detrás (behind):
La casa está detrás de la montaña. (The house is located behind the mountain.)
El apellido se pone detrás del nombre. (The family name is placed after the first name.)

adelante (forward):
¡ Adelante! (Forward!)
Hay que seguir adelante. (You have to go forward.)
Juan camina hacia adelante. (Juan walks forward.)

delante (in front):
El perro espera delante de la casa. (The dog is waiting in front of the house.)

enfrente (in front):
Enfrente de la escuela hay una panaderĂ­a. (In front of the school there is a bakery.)

al lado (next door):
Juan está al lado de Pablo. (Juan is next to Pablo.)

cerca (near):
Cerca del mar, se puede ver pescadores. (Near the sea, you can see fishermen.)
No hay nadie cerca de nuestra casa. (There is no one near our house.)
Si quieres visitar algo interesante, deberĂ­as ir cerca del museo. (If you want to visit something interesting, you should go near the museum.)

lejos (far):
La casa de Miguel no está tan lejos. (Miguel’s house is not so far away.)
La enfermedad está muy lejos de ser vencida. (The disease is far from being defeated.)
Estámos lejos de la ciudad. (We are far from the city)

dentro (inside):
Veronica estaba dentro de la casa. (Veronica was inside the house.)

adentro (inside / inside):
Nos fuimos adentro. (We went inside.)

Note: “adentro” has the same meaning as “dentro” but is used with a verb of movement.

fuera (outside / out of a place) :
Estaba fuera del edificio. (He or she was outside the building.)

afuera (outside / outside):
Vengo de afuera. (I am coming from outside.)
Me voy afuera. (I am going outside.)

Note: “afuera” has the same meaning as “fuera” but is used with a verb of movement.

alrededor (around):
Hay una pista para bicicletas alrededor del lago. (There is a bicycle path around the lake.)

en algĂşn lugar / en algĂşna parte (somewhere):
En algĂşn lugar hay un testigo del accidente. (There is a witness to the accident somewhere.)
El bebé ha perdido su osito de peluche. Está en algún lugar de su habitación. (The baby has lost his teddy bear. He is somewhere in his room.)

en cualquier lugar (anywhere) :
El teletrabajo permite trabajar en cualquier lugar. (Telecommuting allows you to work from anywhere.)

por todas partes (everywhere):
Se puede encontrar belleza en todas partes. (Beauty can be found everywhere.)

por ninguna parte / en ningĂşn lado (nowhere):
Este libro no está disponible en ningún lado. (This book is not available anywhere.)
No hay flores en ninguna parte. (There are no flowers anywhere.)

por aqui cerca (near here):
Por aqui cerca, una fábrica produce jabón ecológico. (Near here, a factory produces ecological soap.)

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