Spanish Diphthongs – Learn Spanish Grammar

👉 How and when to use spelling changes on consonants and vowels in Spanish?

– Spanish Grammar Basics for Beginners –


I. Spelling changes in nouns, adjectives or adverbs

Some words also undergo transformations, especially when diminutives or superlatives are added.

Examples :

Mosca (Fly) ==> Mosquito (Mosquito)
Rico (Rich) ==> Riquísimo (Very rich)
Cerca (Close) ==> Cerquita (Very close)
Amigo (Friend) ==> Amiguito (Boyfriend)

II. Spelling changes in diphthongs

* Some verbs diphthong at the first vowel. The diphthongs -ie and -ue at the beginning of the word become -ye and -hue respectively

Example :

ERGUIRSE (Straighten up) ==> Me yergo, OLER (Smell) ==> Huelo

* Many verbs have their root modified (a diphthong appears) when they are conjugated.

– For some of them, the -e of the stem becomes -ie as with the verbs MANIFESTAR, CONFESAR, SENTAR, etc.

Example :

CERRAR (Close) ==> Cierro (1st person Ind. Present)
ENTENDER (Understand) ==> Entiendo (1st person Ind. Present)
PODER (Can) ==> Puedo (1st person Ind. Present)

– For some, the -o of the radical becomes -ue (e.g: ALMORZAR, CONTAR, PROBAR, etc.)

Example :

DOLER (To have pain) ==> Duelo (1st person Ind. Present)
PODER (Can) ==> Puedo (1st person Ind. Present)

– There is only one verb in -u that diphthongs: the verb JUGAR ==> Juego (Ind.Present)

* With nouns, two spellings are possible:

Examples :

La hierba ==> La yerba ==> The grass.
La hierda ==> La Yedra ==> The ivy.

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