Expressing Habits (Past and Present)

👉 How to express habits in Spanish?

– Useful phrases and expressions –


In this lesson we will see how to express habit in Spanish (useful for describing routine and everyday life). Enjoy the lesson!


A. Structure

To express habit in English, we use the expression: USED TO + infinitive
For example: “I am used to eating” or “we are used to walking”.

In Spanish, there is a verb that can express the whole expression “Have the habit of”. It is the verb SOLER.

We use the structure: SOLER + INFINITVE

Be careful, Soler is a diphthong verb.
In the present tense, it is conjugated as follows:

– Yo Suelo
– Tu Sueles
– Él/Ella/ Usted Suele
– Nosotros Solemos
– Vosotros SolĂ©is
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Suelen


– I’m used to sleeping a lot ==> Suelo dormir mucho tiempo.
– You used to run every week ==> Sueles correr cada semana.
– He is used to going to work on his motorcycle ==> Suele ir a trabajar en moto.
– You are used to going on vacation to Italy ==> SolĂ©is ir de vacaciones en Italia.

– We are used to eating with our family ==> Solemos comer en familia.

B. Adding ‘lo’ (Check the full lesson)

To express the habit with pronominal verbs (lavarse, dormirse, levantarse, cuidarse, etc.), we conjugate the verb SOLER and we place, at the end of the pronominal verb, the reflexive pronoun corresponding to the person. It is therefore necessary to use and know the reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se).

Example with the verb LAVARSE (to wash oneself):

– Suelo lavarme
– Sueles lavarte
– Suele lavarse
– Solemos lavarnos
– SolĂ©is lavaros
– Suelen lavarse

Note that it is not obligatory to use the enclose with pronominal verbs. In this case, we simply place the reflexive pronoun before the verb soler: yo me suelo lavar, tu te sueles lavar, el se suele lavar,etc.


There are other ways of expressing habit, without using the verb soler:

* Estar acostumbrado a + infinitif ==> Being used to…
* Acostumbrar a + infinitif ==> To be used to…


Estoy acostumbrado a levantarme temprano ==> I am used to getting up early.
Yo acostumbro a levantarme temprano ==> I am used to getting up early.

* Tener por costumbre + infinitif ==> Have the habit of + infinitive 
* Tener por hábito + infinitif
==> To be used to + infinitive


Tengo por costumbre caminar cada dĂ­a ==> I have the habit of walking every day.
Tengo por hábito desayunar cuando me levante ==> I usually eat breakfast when I get up.



