Expressing hypothesis in Spanish

👉 How to make hypothesis in Spanish?

– Useful phrases and expressions –


I. The structures expressing the hypothesis in the present

We can express the hypothesis by using verbal structures such as:

* PUEDE QUE + Subjunctive
* ES POSIBLE QUE + Subjunctive
* PUEDE SER QUE + Subjunctive

These phrases can be translated into Englishas “Maybe…” or “It’s possible that…”

Example :

  • – Es posible que este enfermo ==> It is possible that he is sick.
  • – Puede que no me haya escuchado ==> It is possible that he did not listen to me.
  • – Puede ser que tu padre haya salido un rato ==> It is possible that your father went out for a while.
  • – A lo mejor está cansado ==> Maybe he is tired.

II. Locutions and adverbs

The hypothesis can also be expressed with an adverb or a phrase such as: Acaso, quizá(s), or tal vez.
CAUTION: If the adverb is placed before the verb, the latter is conjugated in the subjunctive. If it is placed after the verb, the indicative is used.

Example :

Quizás tenga vergüenza ==> Perhaps he is ashamed.
==> Quizás is placed before the verb, the subjunctive is used

Tiene quizás vergüenza ==> Perhaps he is ashamed.
==> Quizás is placed after the verb, the indicative is used

III. The hypothesis with “si”

In Spanish, we can also express the hypothesis (and the condition) using a subordinate introduced by “si”.

BE CAREFUL to respect the concordance of the tenses:

==> If the structure SI + present tense is used in the subordinate, the verb in the main sentence will be in the present or future tense.

  • Si viene, le recibiremos ==> If he comes, we will receive him.

==> If the structure SI + imperfect indicative is used in the subordinate, the verb of the main sentence will be in the present conditional.

  • Si pensaba en mi futuro, me sentĂ­a optimista ==> If I thought about the future, I felt optimistic.

==> If we use SI + past perfect, the verb of the main text will be in the past conditional.

  • Si hubiera venido, le habrĂ­amos recibido ==> If he had come, we would have received him.

IV. Use of the future tense to express the hypothesis

It is possible to express the hypothesis using the future tense.

Examples :

  • Maria ha sido recibida en la mejor escuela de arte, estará contenta ==> Maria has been accepted in the best art school, she must be happy. (Hypothesis in the present tense)
    Nos llegaron todavĂ­a, Âż Que habrá sucedido? ==> They haven’t arrived yet, what could have happened? (Hypothesis in the present tense)
    Está cansado hoy, habrá tenido un fin de semana agitado ==> He is tired today, he must have had a hectic weekend. (Hypothesis in the past)
    No vino a la cita, estará ocupado con otra cosa ==> He did not come to the appointment, he must have been busy with something else. (Hypothesis in the past tense).

