How to say that something is expensive | Spanish sentences

How to say that something is expensive | Spanish sentences

Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases to learn for conversation, with their English translations.

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that’s too expensive. Es demasiado caro.
That’s a bit steep / pricey Es un poco caro
I can’t afford it No me lo puedo permitir
It costs an arm and a leg Cuesta un brazo y una pierna
It’s a rip off / That’s daylight robbery Es una estafa
It must have cost a small fortune / That must have cost you a pretty penny! Debe haber costado una fortuna
I paid top dollar Me costó un brazo y una pierna
I paid through the nose for that TV He pagado una barbaridad por este televisor
Buy this car would definitely break the bank La compra de este coche definitivamente rompería el banco
That’s a little outside my budget Está un poco fuera de mi presupuesto
They must have seen you coming Deben haberte visto venir
That’s exorbitant Es exorbitante

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