Learning the Spanish Imperfect Subjunctive

👉 How to form the imperfect subjunctive in spanish?

– Spanish Grammar Basics for Beginners –


I. Formation of the imperfect subjunctive

* For verbs of the first group, ending in -AR, the endings are :

-ara, -aras, -ara, -áramos, -arais, -aran
OU –ase, -ases, -ase, -ásemos, -aseis, -asen

Example with the verb HABLAR (To speak):

-Yo hablara / hablase
РT̼ hablaras / hablases
– Él/Ella/Usted hablara / hablase
– Nosotros habláramos / hablásemos
– Vosotros hablarais / hablaseis
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablaran / hablasen

* For the verbs of the 2nd and 3rd group, ending in -IR or -ER, the endings are:

-iera, -ieras, -iera, -iéramos, -ierais, -ieran
 –iese, -ieses, -iese, -iésemos, -ieseis, iesen

Example with the verb COMER (To eat):

– Yo comiera / comiese
РT̼ comieras / comieses
– Él/Ella/Usted comiera / comiese
РNosotros comi̩ramos / comi̩semos
– Vosotros comierais / comieseis
– Ellos /Ellas/Ustedes comieran / comiesen

N.B : There are two forms of the imperfect subjunctive, the -ra form and the -se form. Although the -ra form is more common, both forms can be used interchangeably.

II. Irregular verbs

Be careful, there are many irregular verbs in the imperfect subjunctive. These irregular verbs can be constructed from the conjugation of the third person plural in the simple past.

Examples :

DAR (To give) ==> Dieron (3rd person past simple) ==> diera, dieras, diera, diéramos, dierais, dieran
SABER (To know) ==> Supieron (3rd person past simple) ==> supiera, supieras, supiera, supiéramos, supierais, supieran
DECIR (To say) ==> Dijeron (3rd person simple past tense) ==> dijera, dijeras, dijera, dijéramos, dijerais, dijeran
TRAER (To bring) ==> Trajeron (3rd person simple past tense) ==> trajera, trajeras, trajera, trajéramos, trajerais, trajeran

III. Use of the imperfect subjunctive

The imperfect subjunctive is used a lot in Spanish and it is important to respect the concordance of the tenses… If the main proposition is in the simple past, imperfect, plus-perfect or conditional; THEN the imperfect subjunctive is used in the subordinate proposition.

Example :

La profesora nos dio libros para que aprendiéramos inglés ==> The teacher gave us books to learn English.
Me gustaría que mis amigos vinieran al cine conmigo==> I’d like my friends to come to the movies with me.

In general, the imperfect subjunctive is used with the same logical connectors as the present subjunctive except that the sentence must be in the past tense to respect the concordance of tenses:

* To express doubt about past events

Example : Dudaba que viniera ==> I doubted he would come.

* To express a wish or a regret with the locution “Ojalá que”

Example : Ojalá que hiciera calor en invierno ==> If only it were warm in winter.

* In subordinates indicating the goal

Example : Me dio 5 euros para que pudiera comer ==> He gave me 5 euros so that I could eat.

* After a verb expressing desire, fear, will, wish, need

Example : La profesora deseaba que los alumnos sacaran buenas notas ==> The teacher wanted the students to get good grades.

* To express a hyposthesis: acaso, tal vez, quizás (maybe)

Example : Tal vez me compraría un coche si tuviera más dinero ==> Maybe I would buy a car if I had more money.

* To express a possibility: como si + imperfect subjunctive (as if)

Example :Gastabas mucho dinero, como si fueses milionario ==> You spent a lot of money as if you were a millionaire.

* To express the hypothetical or unattainable condition in the present or future

Example : Si hiciera más calor, iríamos a la playa ==> If it were warmer, we would go to the beach.

* After a verb expressing a request, a prayer, an order or a prohibition

Example : Exigió que lo hiciera ==> He demanded that you did it.

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👉 Previous lesson: The negative imperative (defense)

