Pedir or Preguntar? – Spanish Grammar for Beginners

👉 Pedir VS Preguntar

– Spanish Grammar Basics for Beginners –


In many European languages we use the same verb “to ask” when we want someone to do something for us or when we want to get some information.

In Spanish, things become more difficult. The verb “to ask” can be translated differently depending on the context in which it is used.

Sometimes you will find “pedir” or “preguntar“. But how can you tell the difference between these two translations of the same verb?

Here is the course that will allow you to never make a mistake again.


The Spanish verb “pedir” is used to initiate an action. Its use implies that we expect a reaction from another person or that we want someone to do something for us.

It can therefore be used in the context of a normal discussion, in a bar or restaurant, when begging someone, etc.

  • Le quiero pedir su número de telefono = I want to ask for his phone number
  • Quisiera pedirte un favor = I want to ask you a favor
  • Voy a pedir una pizza con una cerveza = I’m going to ask for a pizza with a beer
  • Te pido perdón = I want to ask for your forgiveness


“Preguntar” has a different meaning from “pedir” it never leads to action, but rather an answer to a question. By using “preguntar” you are asking someone about something.

Therefore, this verb can be used to ask a question, to ask for more information or to ask about someone.

  • Le quiero preguntar cuántos años tiene = I want to ask him how old he is
  • Marcos me pregunta si vamos al cine hoy = Marcos asks me if we’re going to the movies today
  • María pregunta por nosotros = María is asking about us
  • Me preguntó si quería salir a cenar con él = He asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner with him

👉 Next lesson: Tomar, llevar or Traer

👉 Previous lesson: También or Tampoco?

