Reflexive pronouns in Spanish

👉 Reflexive pronouns in Spanish

– Spanish Grammar Basics for Beginners –


I. Formation and use of reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns (pronombres reflexivos) are used with pronominal verbs such as: LAVARSE (to wash oneself), DORMIRSE (to go to bed), DESPERTARSE (to wake up), VESTIRSE (to get dressed), MAQUILLARSE (to put on make-up), etc.

In Spanish the reflexive pronouns are me, te, se, nos, os, se and identify who (or what) is performing the action of the verb.

Example with the pronominal verb LAVARSE (To wash):

– (Yo) me lavo ==> I wash myself
– (TĂş) te lavas ==> You wash yourself

– (Él/Ella/Usted) se lava ==> He washes himself

– (Nosotros) nos lavamos ==> We wash ourselves

– (Vosotros) os laváis ==> You wash yourself

– (Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes) se lavan ==>  They wash themselves

II. Placement of the reflexive pronoun

Reflexive pronouns are usually placed BEFORE the conjugated verb.

Example :

Te molesta la mĂşsica ==> The music disturbs you.
Nos vestimos de blanco para la boda ==> We dress in white for the wedding.
Nos sentimos traicionados ==> We feel betrayed.

CAUTION, in some situations, the reflexive pronoun is attached after the verb:

* When the verb is in the INFINITIVE:


– Tengo que deciros
==> I must tell you.

– Tienes que llevarles a casa ==> You have to bring them home.

* When the verb is conjugated in the positive IMPERATIVE :

Example :

– Lávate las manos ==> Wash your hands.
– Sentaos por favor ==> Please sit down.

* When the verb is conjugated in the GERUND

With the structure: ESTAR + GERUND ==> In this situation we can either attach the reflexive pronoun after the verb or place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb.

Example :

– Está comiĂ©ndose una manzana ==> Se está comiendo una manzana ==> He is eating an apple.
– Estamos divirtiĂ©ndonos con una pelĂ­cula ==> Nos estamos divirtiendo con una pelĂ­cula ==> We are having fun watching a movie.

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👉 Previous lesson: Possessive pronouns

