The present tense of Spanish verbs

👉 The present tense of Spanish verbs: How do you make a present tense sentence in Spanish?

– Spanish Grammar Basics for Beginners –


I. Formation of the present tense

* For first group verbs ending in – AR, the endings are : -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an.

Example with the verb CAMINAR (To walk):

– Yo camino
РT̼ caminas
– Él/Ella/Usted Camina
– Nosotros caminamos
– Vosotros camináis
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes caminan

* For verbs of the second or third group ending in -ER or -IR, the endings are : -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en.

Example with the verb COMER (To eat):

– Yo como
РT̼ comes
– Él/Ella/Usted come
– Nosotros comemos
РVosotros com̩is
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes comen

II. Irregular verbs

* There are ten irregular verbs where ONLY THE FIRST PERSON undergoes a change.

These verbs are:

CABER (To hold/enter) ==> Quepo, Cabes, Cabe, etc.
CAER (To fall) ==> Caigo, Caes, Cae, etc.
DAR (To give) ==> Doy, Das, Da, etc.
HACER (To do) ==> Hago, Haces, Hace, etc.
PONER (To put) ==> Pongo, Pones, Pone, etc.
SABER (To know) ==> Sé, Sabes, Sabe, etc.
SALIR (To go out) ==> Salgo, Sales, Sale, etc.
TRAER (To bring) ==> Traigo, Traes, Trae, etc.
VALER (To value/be worth) ==> Valgo, Vales, Vale, etc.
VER (To see) ==> Veo, Ves, Ve, etc.

* Some irregular verbs undergo a change on several persons (not only on the Yo).

These verbs are :

DECIR (To tell) ==> Digo, Dices, Dice, Decimos, Decís, Dicen (Only the 4th and 5th persons are regular).
ESTAR (To be) ==> Estoy, Estás, Está, Estamos, Estáis, Están (Only the 4th and 5th persons are regular).
HABER (To have) ==> He, Has, Ha, Hemos, Habéis, Han (Only the 2nd person plural is regular).
IR (To go) ==> Voy, Vas, Va, Vamos, Vais, Van (This verb is irregular in all persons).
OIR (To hear) ==> Oigo, Oyes, Oye, Oímos, Oís, Oyen (Only the 4th and 5th persons are regular).
PODER (Can) ==> Puedo, Puedes, Puede, Podemos, Podéis, Pueden
QUERER (To want/love) ==> Quiero, Quieres, Quiere, Queremos, Queréis, Quieren
SER (To be) ==> Soy, Eres, Es, Somos, Sois, Son
TENER (To have/possess) ==> Tengo, Tienes, Tiene, Tenemos, Tenéis, Tienen (Only the 4th and 5th persons are regular).
VENIR (To come) ==> Vengo, Vienes, Viene, Venimos, Venís, Vienen (Only the 4th and 5th persons are regular).

* Irregular verbs whose infinitive endings end in : -ACER, -OCER, -ECER, -UCIR

All verbs with this ending are conjugated in a particular way in the present tense.

In the first person singular, in front of the -O of the ending, the C (part of the radical) is transformed into ZC for pronunciation reasons.

Examples :

NACER (To be born) ==> Yo nazco, Tú naces, etc.
CONOCER (To know) ==> Yo conozco, Tú conoces, etc.
TRADUCIR (To translate) ==> Yo traduzco, Tú traduces, etc.

* Irregular verbs whose infinitive ends in : -UIR

When these verbs are conjugated in the present tense, they undergo a spelling change in the first three persons of the singular and in the last person of the plural.

The -i in the stem of these verbs becomes -y to facilitate pronunciation.


CONCLUIR (To conclude) ==> Yo concluyo, Tú concluyes, Él/Ella/Usted concluye, Nosotros concluimos, Vosotros concluís, Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes concluyen.
CONTRIBUIR (To contribute) ==> Yo contribuyo, Tu contribuyes, Él/ella/usted contribuye, Nosotros contribuimos, Vosotros contribuís, Ellos/Ella/Ustedes contribuyen.

III. Verbs with diphthongation

A diphthong is a spelling change in the stem of a verb when it is conjugated.

The diphthong occurs because there is a change in the tonic accent when we conjugate the verb.

Be careful, it only occurs on the three persons of the singular and the last person of the plural.

* Verbs with diphthong: -E ==> -IE

For these verbs, the -E of the stem changes into -IE when the verb is conjugated.

Example with the verb PENSAR (To think):

– Yo pienso
РT̼ piensas
– Él/Ella/Usted piensa
– Nosotros pensamos
– Vosotros pensáis
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes piensan

* Verbs with diphthong: -O ==> -UE

For these verbs, the -O of the stem changes to -UE when the verb is conjugated.

Example with the verb ALMOZAR (Lunch):

– Yo almuerzo
РT̼ almuerzas
– Él/Ella/Usted almuerza
– Nosotros almorzamos
– Vosotros almorzáis
– Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes almuerzan

IV. Use of the present tense

The present tense is used to indicate an action in progress, or to express the duration of an action that is ongoing at the time of the speech.

Examples :

Juega al tenis desde hace 5 años ==> He has been playing tennis for 5 years.
Camina bajo la lluvia ==> He walks in the rain.

* The present tense is also used to talk about an action that will take place in the near future. In this case, we use a temporal marker.

Examples :

La próxima semana su equipo participa a un campeonato ==> Next week, his team is playing in a championship.
Mañana vienes ==> You are coming tomorrow.

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👉 Next lesson : The present participle

👉 Previous lesson: Tomar, llevar or Traer

