Spanish Translation Test | Advanced Level

Spanish Translation Test | Advanced Level

Free online Spanish translation exercise (Spanish theme practice) – Hard level;

Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. They have known each other since they were children.

2. I hope they’ll think to take my luggage.

3. It’s been so long since I’ve been to Japan.

4. What is the worst travel experience you’ve ever had?

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

6. Should we take my car or yours?

7. It’s been a while since he’s played sports.

8. Anyone can be successful if they work hard.

9. If you were president, what would you change?

10. What would you have done if you were in my shoes?


  1. Se conocen desde que eran niños.
  2. Espero que piensen en llevarse mi equipaje.
  3. Ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que estuve en Japón.
  4. ¿Cuál es la peor experiencia de viaje que has tenido?
  5. Si pudieras viajar por todo el mundo, ¿a dónde irías?
  6. ¿Deberíamos tomar mi auto o el tuyo?
  7. Hace tiempo que no hace ejercicio.
  8. Cualquiera puede tener éxito trabajando duro.
  9. Si fueras presidente, ¿qué cambiarías?
  10. ¿Qué habrías hecho si fueras yo?


➥ Next exercise: Translation exercise Spanish → English (easy level)

