Spanish Translation Test | Agreement and disagreement

Spanish Translation Test | Agreement and disagreement

Spanish sentence translation exercise (Spanish theme) – agreement and disagreement

Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. I agree with my grade.

2. The daughter agrees with her father.

3. They don’t agree with you.

4. You share the same viewpoint in this controversy.

5. You agree with me on this issue.

6. I object to my friend’s aggressive attitude.

7. He does not object to the unfairness of the situation.

8. I don’t feel that Spanish is more complicated than any other language.

9. I feel like you are jumping to conclusions.

10. I think you are wrong in your analysis.

Useful vocabulary :

  • a polemic = una polémica 

  1. Estoy conforme con mi calificación.
  2. La chica esta de acuerda con su papa.
  3. No están de acuerdos contigo.
  4. Compartís el mismo punto de vista en esta polémica.
  5. Coicides conmigo sobre esta cuestión.
  6. Me opongo a la actitud agresiva de mi amiga.
  7. No se opone a la injusticia de la situación.
  8. No me parece que el español sea más difícil que otra lengua.
  9. Tengo la impresión que este sacando conclusiones apresuradas.
  10. Creo que te equivoques en tu análisis.


➥ Next exercise: Expressing obligation

