Spanish Translation Test Online | Expressing quantity

Spanish Translation Test Online | Expressing quantity

Free online Spanish translation exercise (Spanish theme practice) – quantity; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. I am very lucky.

2. We ate very little sugar.

3. There are too many people in this town.

4. There is enough to drink for everyone.

5. I bought less fruit than last time.

6. It’s barely been a week since I went to France.

7. I don’t want so much sugar in the coffee.

8. I am very interested in the theme of the film.

9. The heat is getting hotter and hotter.

10. There is nothing to see.

  1. Tengo mucha suerte.
  2. Comimos poco azúcar.
  3. Hay demasiado gente en esta cuidad.
  4. Hay bastante bebidas para todos.
  5. Compré menos frutas que la última vez.
  6. Hace apenas una semana fui a Francia.
  7. No quiero tanto azúcar en el café.
  8. El tema de la película te interesa mucho.
  9. El calor se siente cada vez más.
  10. No hay nada que ver.


➥ Next exercise: At the hotel

