Spanish Vocabulary Practice – Education and school

Spanish Vocabulary Practice – Education and school

Free online Spanish exercise – School; Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Reconstitute the words with the correct syllable:

ba | mas | tica | fía | to | nario | piz | fo | dad | ra

1. a pencil → un lá

2. a dictionary → un diccio

3. a pen → un bolígra

4. a calculator → una calculado

5. schooling → la escolari

6. a test → una prue

7. grammar → la gramá

8. geography → la geogra

9. languages → los idio

10. a subject → un suje

1. a pencil → un lápiz
2. a dictionary → un diccionario
3. a pen → un bolígrafo
4. a calculator → una calculadora
5. schooling → la escolaridad
6. a test → una prueba
7. grammar → la gramática
8. geography → la geografía
9. languages → los idiomas
10. a subject → un sujeto


➥ Next exercise: Family and friends

