Useful Spanish Phrases for Conversation : Idiot and Clever

Useful Spanish Phrases for Conversation : Idiot and Clever

Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases to learn for conversation, with their English translations.

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He’s smart Es inteligente
He’s stupid Es un estúpido
He’s a bit slow. Es un poco lento.
He’s a smart cookie. Es un sabelotodo.
He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. Él no inventó el agua caliente
He’s really dumb. Es realmente estúpido.
He’s really sharp. Es muy inteligente.
He’s very bright. Es muy inteligente.
She’s a complete idiot. Es un verdadero idiota.
She’s a few cards short of a deck. Le falta una ranura
She’s a genius. Es un genio
She’s brilliant. Es brillante.

👉 Next lesson: Facial expressions

👉 Previous lesson: Write a postcard in Spanish
